Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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"The third is when you can make a basket without worrying about whether it is good enough."

“The third is when you can make a basket without worrying about whether it is good enough.”

If this sentence seems lacking a word, it is. We’ll get to that in a moment. Until then, bookmark the notion of “good enough” — an aspiration that seems to…
"Life is too short to write something boring."

“Life is too short to write something boring.”

A conversation with Los Angeles native and magazine journalist Mary Melton, who profiled a famous photographer in 36 exposures, as in a roll of film
Exposing what the police and courts wouldn't — and what society owes in return

Exposing what the police and courts wouldn’t — and what society owes in return

Haunted by youthful memories of claims of rape, a opinion writer goes home to seek the truth and expose the moral “rot” of shaming the victim
Shop class: Stuck before you start? Eat a cookie, take a walk, set it out for the elves

Shop class: Stuck before you start? Eat a cookie, take a walk, set it out for the elves

Advice to a blocked writer from others who have suffered the same
A tribute to the "beauty and power" of work by novelist Toni Morrison

A tribute to the “beauty and power” of work by novelist Toni Morrison

EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece was shared, with thanks and permission, by our friends at The Poynter Institute.AUTHOR’S NOTE: American author and Nobel laureate Toni Morrison died August 5, 2019, at…
"Truth is whatever you can get enough people to believe."

“Truth is whatever you can get enough people to believe.”

You can’t turn around in the U.S. these days without bumping into a cry of “Fake News!” or a news story decrying the same. Not that spin is a modern…
A writer who cared enough to strap in; an editor who cared enough to show up

A writer who cared enough to strap in; an editor who cared enough to show up

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is not unusual these days to come across yet another announcement of the death of a notable journalist. Those who came into the profession during the heady…
Not just a guilty pleasure: "Game of Thrones" holds essential writing lessons

Not just a guilty pleasure: “Game of Thrones” holds essential writing lessons

Esteemed writing teacher Roy Peter Clark shares the 12 things he learned (or re-learned) about storytelling from the epic HBO series
A tribute: On Herman Wouk and the incandescence of "Youngblood Hawke"

A tribute: On Herman Wouk and the incandescence of “Youngblood Hawke”

A 12-year-old Chip Scanlan "borrowed" his brother's book, read under the covers by flashlight, and vowed to become a writer
Two sentences from books honored by 2019 Pulitzer Prizes and the lessons in journalism they inspired

Two sentences from books honored by 2019 Pulitzer Prizes and the lessons in journalism they inspired

Awards from elite, independent institutions always offer a reminder of the powerful work being done by storytellers of all stripes. None moreso in journalism than the Pulitzer Prizes.This year’s Pulitzer…