Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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A journalist’s journey into her family story leads to a history of American pie

A journalist’s journey into her family story leads to a history of American pie

Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle baked a humble dessert into a big idea
Will history be served by email clutter?

Will history be served by email clutter?

By Jacqui BanaszynskiAccording to the adage, people don’t regret the things they did in life — only those they didn’t.I don’t buy it — anymore than I buy the assurance…

Notes from a nonfiction writing workshop

From the mountains of Romania to storytellers everywhere: Sharing key lessons from a five-day immersion in craft
Chasing the emotional escape of Dungeons & Dragons on death row

Chasing the emotional escape of Dungeons & Dragons on death row

Author and one-time prisoner Keri Blakinger worked through nicknames, bureaucracies and emotional truths to write about gaming on death row
Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

"Your eyes and ears and nose should be wide open the whole time." ~ Luke Mogelson of The New Yorker on reporting from the front lines
Four girls, 60 years, 11 students, 2,800 miles and a new awareness of history

Four girls, 60 years, 11 students, 2,800 miles and a new awareness of history

A journalist-turned-teacher takes students on the U.S. Civil Rights Trail to explore the nation's challenges through a journalistic lens
A revealing profile of a family that defied their faith's edict on home schooling

A revealing profile of a family that defied their faith’s edict on home schooling

"You keep showing up, you keep watching and listening, and you hope that you observe something interesting." ~ Peter Jamison, Washington Post
How a 9/11 narrative guided a gun violence narrative 22 years later

How a 9/11 narrative guided a gun violence narrative 22 years later

Reporters from The Dallas Morning News pieced together a tick-tock of a deadly mall shooting, starting with "normal aspects of life"
Read not just for the what of the story, but for the how of the writing

Read not just for the what of the story, but for the how of the writing

The editor has made a lifelong practice of studying other writers – not to write like them, but to understand how writing works
Sally Jenkins on her intimate interview with Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert

Sally Jenkins on her intimate interview with Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert

The Washington Post sports columnist used a career of trust and "sincere curiosity" to talk to the tennis greats about rivalry, cancer and friendship