Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Social-change journalism can make "good trouble"

Social-change journalism can make “good trouble”

A Vanderbilt professor wraps up his case for seven reframes of problem-centered story work with a summary of risks and rewards
How the WriterL came to be: The origin story of a narrative community

How the WriterL came to be: The origin story of a narrative community

EDITOR’S NOTE: “A Place Called WriterL” is a new collection of some of the listserv discussions about narrative journalism held in the late 1990s through the early 2010s. In a…
WriterL, the book: A "greatest hits" collection of narrative discussions

WriterL, the book: A “greatest hits” collection of narrative discussions

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of two essays about the new book “A Place Called Writer L,” a collection of listserv discussions from the 1990s and 2000s. Tomorrow, co-editor Stuart…
How do you make the bear facts interesting?

How do you make the bear facts interesting?

A member of the social media team at the National Park Service uses humor to engage an audience and keep park-goers safe
A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast

A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast

Author and narrative reporter Line Vaaben offers gems from her 20-year immersion into the craft of storytelling
What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

Every morning I wake up and do exactly what and and and all those other “take care of yourself” sites and blogs and organizations tell me not…
Combing through clips, records and emotions for lessons from the past

Combing through clips, records and emotions for lessons from the past

A Los Angeles Times reporter revisited a little-known U.S. Supreme Court abortion rights case that helped pave the way for Roe v. Wade
Unlearning old-school lessons from a J-school education

Unlearning old-school lessons from a J-school education

Two months into my just-the-facts-ma’am, inverted pyramid life as a novice reporter assigned to cover every commission had that ever been formed anywhere in any municipality on Earth at any…
Raise your glasses to four lessons all writers can learn by judging craft beer

Raise your glasses to four lessons all writers can learn by judging craft beer

Maybe not 99, but at least a few dozen bottles of beer are along the wall. We take one down, pass it around, make sure the barcode on the bottle…
A tribute to the consummate reporter/writer: Francis X. Clines

A tribute to the consummate reporter/writer: Francis X. Clines

EDITOR’S NOTE: This tribute is shared with permission from our friends at The Poynter Institute.Frank Clines arrived at The New York Times in 1958, one year before the death of…