Search results for “so you want to write a book” Showing 994 results A “final” phone call from the wildfires inspires an unusual, intimate story written under the fire of deadline A conversation with Corina Knoll of The Los Angeles Times: She broke with convention and just wrote it "how I felt it should be told" December 19, 2018 How to crack the code of live storytelling with Pop-Up Magazine "Ephemeral" true stories that inform, surprise and delight December 18, 2018 How film class led to fighting wildfires which led to finding a home which led to a memoir In a full-circle illustration of the way life sometimes imitates art, screenwriting led Sarah Berns to smokejumping. Then smokejumping led to a cinematic memoir, written with a director’s eye and… December 11, 2018 When syncopation rocks a nation: “Hamilton” enthralls fifth-graders (and parents) with a rockin’ story of history Shop class: What the hit musical teaches about the art and reach of narrative November 28, 2018 Eulogy for Paradise: A breaking news story framed as the profile and history of a town The Facebook post was conversational and almost light-hearted:And on Day Two of Camp Fire coverage, I spilled water all over my notebook and laptop (tips?!). Seems fitting that the only… November 15, 2018 Serendipity brings two men together on the football field, and in the rest of life A story that garners wide acclaim, gets multiple plays across ESPN and draws tweets from Reese Witherspoon is not your everyday deadline fare. For most writers, it will never happen.… November 13, 2018 A brother’s death, written by a sister, channeling their mother’s voice Sometimes I push writing students to look for new ways to tell stories.Should you start with the “small” things? Is there a story in the way a character dresses? How… November 8, 2018 The Power (and challenge) of Storytelling: “Seeing more of the truth” NewsMaven founder Zuzanna Ziomecka on biases embedded in the news and learning to notice what we don't see November 2, 2018 Telling the video story: Scatter visual breadcrumbs, keep the camera steady and shoot from the heart Eric Seals on the secret to successful video: It's about the story, not the gear October 26, 2018 Finding a narrative in “our most urgent national conversation”: the one about guns How three reporters, a national news chain and 21 strangers who met to talk became a 5,000-word tale with character, intimacy, structure and drama October 23, 2018 Previous 1 … 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 … 100 Next