Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and "The Killing Trail"

Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and “The Killing Trail”

Buzz Bissinger’s “The Killing Trail” — his unremittingly bleak 1995 account of “fag-bashing” in Texas — was his first story for Vanity Fair. (He is still a contributor, and has…
3 countries, 4 conferences

3 countries, 4 conferences

If only we could start an international narrative-journalism conference crawl — sort of like a pub crawl, but with pencils and notebooks — here’s how we’d map out the year:“Power of Narrative:…
The journalist and Dr. V

The journalist and Dr. V

To be a journalist on Twitter in the past four days has meant taking part, one way or another, in one of the more heated story dissections in recent memory.…
Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Every fellow who comes through Lippmann House is a storyteller of a sort, whether with words or visuals or data or sound. The Class of 2014 arrived from across journalistic…

The future of digital longform, Part 1: “Snow Fall” (yep, that again — worth it) + poetry + how we read

Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism hosted a daylong Future of Digital Longform conference recently, and it was full of good stuff. (They kindly invited Storyboard to appear on…
Roundup: 2013 Best of Narrative Storytelling in Journalism

Roundup: 2013 Best of Narrative Storytelling in Journalism

For our second annual Best of Narrative roundup, our selectors reported an anguishing task: so many great pieces, so few berths. Enjoy these top picks from 2013. And Happy New…
Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Because why not a list of lists? Ten* worth the storyteller's time:1) “130 years of must-read stories for digital journalists: five lessons from 1851-1981,” by Abraham Hyatt, editor of the…
Best of Storyboard 2013 — reader favorites

Best of Storyboard 2013 — reader favorites

We’ve configured this year’s Best of Storyboard roundup by category* this year, as opposed to ranking them by readership, though we’ll say that in terms of pageviews the Gay Talese/Elon…
Annotation Tuesday! Lillian Ross and Ernest Hemingway

Annotation Tuesday! Lillian Ross and Ernest Hemingway

It’s easy, now, to see Lillian Ross’s 1950 New Yorker Profile of Ernest Hemingway for what it is: a masterpiece. But 63 years ago, this wasn’t so obvious. Ross, as…
"Narrative Sweat & Flow," Part 4: Tom Hallman Jr. and Chris Jones

“Narrative Sweat & Flow,” Part 4: Tom Hallman Jr. and Chris Jones

Editor’s note: The Oregonian’s Simina Mistreanu spoke to seven narrative journalists for her University of Missouri School of Journalism master’s project on longform. Last week, we ran her setup, a piece on the…