Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Amy Ellis Nutt and the wreck of the Lady Mary, Part 2

Amy Ellis Nutt and the wreck of the Lady Mary, Part 2

In Part 2 of our annotation of Amy Ellis Nutt's Pulitzer-winning "The Wreck of the Lady Mary," Nutt, of the Newark Star-Ledger, explains how the investigative track of her five-chapter…

Amy Ellis Nutt and the wreck of the Lady Mary, Part 1

This is the third in an occasional series of line-by-lines with narrative writers and their work, adapted from a project called Annotation Tuesday! on Tumblr. Earlier, we featured the Tampa Bay Times‘ Michael…
Building better sentences: Connie Hale on verbs, nouns, Vikings, scenes, geekspeak, grammar wars and rewiring bad lines

Building better sentences: Connie Hale on verbs, nouns, Vikings, scenes, geekspeak, grammar wars and rewiring bad lines

In Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch, her new book on writing and language, journalist and writing teacher Constance Hale explores the world of verbs. Hale, a Hawaii native who lives in…
Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch: All Hale verbs

Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch: All Hale verbs

Word nerds, you’ll want to stock up on yellow highlighters for Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch, Constance Hale’s newest book on writing and language. In her follow-up to Sin and Syntax,…

"The Power of Storytelling," Part 4: Chris Jones on why stories matter, Pat Walters on endings, Walt Harrington on integrity

In Part 3 of our recap of Romania’s “Power of Storytelling” conference on narrative journalism, radio producer Starlee Kine talked about story forms and themes; Esquire‘s Mike Sager talked about listening, and about suspending disbelief; and Pulitzer winner Alex…
Hurricane Sandy: story forms

Hurricane Sandy: story forms

The Hurricane Sandy storylines are still unfolding, but one thing became clear on Monday as winds and water overtook New York City and New Jersey in historic proportions: Digital media deepened…
"The Power of Storytelling," Part 2: Jacqui Banaszynski on the future of stories and Evan Ratliff on digital entrepreneurship

"The Power of Storytelling," Part 2: Jacqui Banaszynski on the future of stories and Evan Ratliff on digital entrepreneurship

The day I left Bucharest, the International Herald-Tribune ran a front-page story about the shambles that is Romania. After three visits there in three years, I can tell you that…
"The Power of Storytelling," Part 1: A bunch of American storytellers go to Romania...

"The Power of Storytelling," Part 1: A bunch of American storytellers go to Romania…

Early this month, an all-star pack of North American storytellers flew halfway around the world, to Romania, to talk about narrative journalism. They took the stage before a sold-out audience and…
Tori Marlan and Josh Neufeld on the webcomics narrative 'Stowaway'

Tori Marlan and Josh Neufeld on the webcomics narrative ‘Stowaway’

Our latest Notable Narrative is “Stowaway,” an interactive comic, published by The Atavist, that tells the story of a young Ethiopian boy, "Fanuel," who made his way to the United…
Junot Díaz on imagination, language, success, the role of the teacher, the health of American literature and Star Wars as a narrative teaching tool

Junot Díaz on imagination, language, success, the role of the teacher, the health of American literature and Star Wars as a narrative teaching tool

To hear the novelist Junot Díaz talk about writing is to have your mind augured open to new ways of processing the human experience and to feel swept up in…