Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Death comes for comics storyteller Harvey Pekar (October 8, 1939 - July 12, 2010)

Death comes for comics storyteller Harvey Pekar (October 8, 1939 – July 12, 2010)

Comic book writer and misfit Harvey Pekar spent his life bracing for the worst, and now, finally, he can relax.Pekar was a non-fiction storyteller who recorded his daily existence for…

Katy Butler shows the bitter side of medical intervention

In our latest Notable Narrative “What Broke My Father’s Heart,” from The New York Times Magazine, the broken heart that reporter Katy Butler writes about is both emotional and literal.…
Michael Kruse on monkey business and narrative writing: "if a story's not moving, a reader is probably stopping"

Michael Kruse on monkey business and narrative writing: "if a story’s not moving, a reader is probably stopping"

We talked by phone this week with St. Petersburg Times reporter Michael Kruse, the author of our latest Notable Narrative. An unusual profile of a monkey on the loose in…
From tales of wonder to tales of horror: David Small dissects Stitches

From tales of wonder to tales of horror: David Small dissects Stitches

David Small has made a career illustrating books for children.  So it was no surprise that he should be the featured speaker on the last day of Harvard’s popular class,…
Adam Hochschild on narrative nonfiction, history and finding the next story

Adam Hochschild on narrative nonfiction, history and finding the next story

Adam Hochschild arrived at the narrative journalism conference at Boston University last weekend feeling liberated after an intense six-year relationship.But soon this writer will be looking to fall in love…
New York Times editor Bill Keller on narrative's future: three "threats" to it he's not buying

New York Times editor Bill Keller on narrative’s future: three "threats" to it he’s not buying

New York Times executive editor Bill Keller thinks the death of narrative journalism has been greatly exaggerated—and he brought some examples to Boston University’s 2010 narrative conference Saturday to prove…
The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

Journalists are told to write short for the Web. The online audience wants information, not a lovely phrase or a rousing metaphor. “On the Web, people want to move quickly,” says Hoa Loranger,…

Robert Darnton looks to the past to imagine future news narratives: Walter Winchell and "paragraph men"

What might life without books look like, and how will the shift to digital texts and images change news narratives? Earlier this month, Nieman Lab staffer Megan Garber wrote about…
From Treme to the 9/11 Commission Report: index as story

From Treme to the 9/11 Commission Report: index as story

Treme's Wendell PierceSunday night’s Treme debut found a companion in Monday morning’s Times-Picayune: “HBO’s Treme Explained.” The New Orleans paper will offer a weekly encyclopedic post explaining culture and geography…
Marie-Claude Dupont on Canada's GDP Project: "we’re trying to show how these people reinvent themselves"

Marie-Claude Dupont on Canada’s GDP Project: "we’re trying to show how these people reinvent themselves"

photo credit: Martin DelisleWe spoke this week with Marie-Claude Dupont, producer of the GDP Project, an effort to document the economic crisis in Canada. Funded by the National Film Board,…