Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Sherman Alexie, Garry Kasparov, The Caravan and more! It's grab bag Friday…

Take a gander at some of the more interesting writing we’ve seen lately. These pieces are more or less narrative, and come at storytelling from different angles, but are all are worth…
Interview: Brenda Ann Kenneally on recording the lives of "Upstate Girls"

Interview: Brenda Ann Kenneally on recording the lives of "Upstate Girls"

Earlier this week, we talked with Brenda Ann Kenneally, an independent photojournalist who chronicles coming of age in post-industrial America. Her project, “Upstate Girls: What Became of Collar City” won first…
Interview: Studio 360's Lu Olkowski on multimedia, poetry and the working poor

Interview: Studio 360’s Lu Olkowski on multimedia, poetry and the working poor

We talked by phone last week with Lu Olkowski, a contributing producer with public radio's Studio 360 and co-creator of our latest Notable Narrative, “Women of Troy.” Here, Olkowski describes how the…
Interview: Ted Genoways on journalism and documentary poetry

Interview: Ted Genoways on journalism and documentary poetry

Poetry may not be the first vehicle journalists come up with when they think of reported stories—in fact, poetry may not be on most journalists’ list at all. Virginia Quarterly Review editor…
Paige Williams on "Finding Dolly Freed"

Paige Williams on "Finding Dolly Freed"

Yesterday on the Storyboard, we looked at a new approach to narrative by focusing on Paige Williams' self-published project "Finding Dolly Freed." That post considered the possiblities for crowdfunded narrative journalism,…

Charles Pierce on the future of narrative journalism: "anyone not concerned isn’t paying attention"

I talked this week with Charles Pierce about the end-of-decade summary he did for Esquire. Pierce, who also works for The Boston Globe Magazine, talks (and perhaps writes—see end of…
Adrienne Mayor on putting the story in history

Adrienne Mayor on putting the story in history

Adrienne Mayor was a 2009 National Book Award finalist for her nonfiction book The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome’s Deadliest Enemy. Mayor, a visiting scholar at…
CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

[This is Part 3 in our series stealing the best tips from the audio storytelling handbook of the CBC's Dispatches radio program. Parts 1 and 2 ran earlier this week.]We at Dispatches have seen thousands…

The end of the line for the Lone Ranger? A how-to guide for narrative collaboration

When The Roanoke Times “Age of Uncertainty” won Documentary Project of the Year from Pictures of the Year International, it wasn’t the narrative writing or the photography or the Web…

The Moth’s Lea Thau on storytelling

In some places, the spoken story is thriving. Last night in Boston, that 800-pound gorilla of live storytelling, the Moth, put on an event at the Tsai Performance Center. We decided…