Search results for “the pitch”

Showing 336 results

The end of the line for the Lone Ranger? A how-to guide for narrative collaboration

When The Roanoke Times “Age of Uncertainty” won Documentary Project of the Year from Pictures of the Year International, it wasn’t the narrative writing or the photography or the Web…
"Cutthroat Capitalism" strips down story to chase pirate treasure

“Cutthroat Capitalism” strips down story to chase pirate treasure

In WIRED’s recent take on Somali piracy, "Cutthroat Capitalism", Scott Carney leads what might have been a meaty narrative straight into a piranha-infested stream. What he pulls out on the…

Michael J. Mooney interview: Unseen lives

Excerpts from an August 2009 interview with Michael J. Mooney, reporter for Florida’s New Times, whose stories won a slot in the Best American Crime Reporting and Best American Sports…

Playing the right way: Tom Friend on his Chauncey Billups piece for

Excerpts from a July 2009 interview with Tom Friend on his story “The Disposable Superstar”:How long did you take on the Chauncey Billups story?I spent a week in Denver and I…

Six Writing Tips for Crafting Scenes

As you map out the story, there are a lot of things for you to consider

A Writer’s Essay: Seeking the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

This essay is based on presentations given in advanced feature writing seminars the author taught at The Washington Post. On Thinking About Intimate Journalism It’s the kiss of death for anyone aspiring…