Search results for “top storyboard posts”

Showing 210 results

“Why’s this so good?” No. 35: Malcolm Gladwell on ketchup

Malcolm Gladwell does so many things well as a feature writer that it’s embarrassing to mention them all. I’ll list a few of them anyway: Malcolm Gladwell is astonishingly quotable.…
Audio danger: transgressive voices

Audio danger: transgressive voices

[The fourth installment in an ongoing series of posts by Julia Barton about audio narratives. –Ed.]Great audio, as I’ve previously written, transports us to an imaginative place somewhere between the…
NPR’s Daniel Zwerdling on golden radio, Yoda parallels and the Robert Krulwich moment

NPR’s Daniel Zwerdling on golden radio, Yoda parallels and the Robert Krulwich moment

[The third installment in an ongoing series of posts by Julia Barton about audio narratives. –Ed.]A ghostly crowd of voices parades across the public radio airwaves every day: politicians and hosts,…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 32: Darcy Frey on the brink

“Why’s this so good?” No. 32: Darcy Frey on the brink

It’s been 16 years since I first read Darcy Frey’s piece about the overwhelming, stressful job of being an air traffic controller – 16 years since I first swore never to…
Audio danger: NPR’s Kelly McEvers on trauma and the calculus of risk

Audio danger: NPR’s Kelly McEvers on trauma and the calculus of risk

[The second installment in an ongoing series of posts by Julia Barton about audio narratives. –Ed.]The title of this series, “Audio danger,” is mostly tongue-in-cheek. But not in the case…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 30: Sally Jenkins picks Kwame Brown

“Why’s this so good?” No. 30: Sally Jenkins picks Kwame Brown

The thing about being the first pick in the NBA draft – especially if you’re 19-year-old Kwame Brown, the youngest No. 1 pick ever – is that you become the subject of…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 29: Andrea Curtis and the rhythm of mercy

“Why’s this so good?” No. 29: Andrea Curtis and the rhythm of mercy

As a rule, I’m not one of those readers who flips ahead to the last few pages of an article or book before committing myself to reading it. I like…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 28: Vanessa Grigoriadis on Britney Spears

“Why’s this so good?” No. 28: Vanessa Grigoriadis on Britney Spears

There’s a video of Britney Spears shot in 2007, not long after Valentine’s Day. She’s pacing around a tattoo parlor, where she’s just gotten a pair of bright red lips…
Audio danger: stories from the edge of listening

Audio danger: stories from the edge of listening

[As part of our mission to look at storytelling in every medium, Storyboard is pleased to introduce Julia Barton, who will bring us several posts in 2012 focused on developments…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 26: Moehringer KO's a mystery

“Why’s this so good?” No. 26: Moehringer KO's a mystery

The hell with my lede. Let’s start with his:I’m sitting in a hotel room in Columbus, Ohio, waiting for a call from a man who doesn’t trust me, hoping he’ll…