Search results for “top storyboard posts”

Showing 210 results
A 9/11 survival story: Honoring accuracy and voice in eyewitness accounts

A 9/11 survival story: Honoring accuracy and voice in eyewitness accounts

Writing scholar Roy Peter Clark reprises a cousin's escape story, and finds lessons for writers who help people recount personal stories
A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

Every year, or as often as I can, I go into the northern Minnesota woods, usually alone now, seeking tranquility and time to brood and reflect.And I write while I’m…
What the "Insect Apocalypse" reveals about faulty human memory

What the “Insect Apocalypse” reveals about faulty human memory

From the archives: Brooke Jarvis takes windshield wipers to environmental blindness and reveals why we should heed the bugs
A conversation with Nathaniel Rich on "Losing Earth," human inertia and storytelling as "a moral act"

A conversation with Nathaniel Rich on “Losing Earth,” human inertia and storytelling as “a moral act”

From the archives: The New York Times Magazine devotes an entire issue to history's failure to heed the siren warnings about climate change
Collected reflections on John Hersey's "Hiroshima"

Collected reflections on John Hersey’s “Hiroshima”

Today is the 76th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. That’s not a notable number in the rather arbitrary realm of anniversary stories. But the event itself just seems to…
A profile of Ahmaud Arbery reveals the dangers of "running while Black"

A profile of Ahmaud Arbery reveals the dangers of “running while Black”

Acclaimed author Mitchell S. Jackson won both Pulitzer and National Magazine awards for his edgy and intimate Runner's World story

Industry news that honors the craft and reflects the times

Even the most dramatic news about the journalism is seldom a surprise. Budgets are cut. Awards are given. Veterans retire or are bought out. Book contracts are signed.But collecting a…
What journalists need to know when interviewing a transgender person

What journalists need to know when interviewing a transgender person

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week, in honor of Pride Month, we feature three posts about transgender issues. Read how Lane DeGregory of the Tampa Bay Times handled a profile in 2002,…
A profile gives voice to a transgender teen who is denied her full identity

A profile gives voice to a transgender teen who is denied her full identity

Samantha Schmidt of The Washington Post follows a girl who struggles to keep her voice and newfound happiness during COVID isolation
An early portrait of gender transition with no style guides to steer by

An early portrait of gender transition with no style guides to steer by

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week, in honor of Pride Month, we feature three posts about transgender issues. Today, see how Lane DeGregory of the Tampa Bay Times handled a profile in…