Search results for “writing the book” Showing 1132 results Writing in bursts of freedom A science journalist who typically writes to a structure experimented with free-form bursts she learned from playing with paint and music January 25, 2024 When a Pulitzer-winning book is banned Robert Samuels' co-authored book about the life and death of George Floyd was labeled inappropriate for students at a Tennessee high school January 4, 2024 Can a paper napkin serve your writing? By Jacqui BanaszynskiAs I indulged in my morning obsession of scanning news headlines one day last week, I paused on something called “napkin stories.” The tease I got included a… December 19, 2023 Writing award named for Roy Peter Clark By Jacqui BanaszynskiA lot of journalists dream of having their byline on work that wins one of the top industry awards. Many long to see their name on the spine… December 14, 2023 Reporting past the black-and-white politics of school book bans Education reporter Hannah Natanson profiled a teacher facing a divided classroom as part of the Washington Post's "School Book Wars" series December 6, 2023 Peek inside a successful book proposal Author Kim Cross annotates the lengthy proposal that landed a contract for the book that revisits the 1993 Polly Klaas kidnapping November 17, 2023 Nonfiction author Kim Cross breaks down how to sell a book proposal The narrative journalist details the upside of rejection, the importance of timing, the value of a good agent and the reality of advances November 17, 2023 The Post-it puzzle of a big writing project Author and journalism teacher Mallary Tenore Tarpley uses Post-its and origami paper to outline her reported memoir on eating disorders November 9, 2023 Notes from a nonfiction writing workshop From the mountains of Romania to storytellers everywhere: Sharing key lessons from a five-day immersion in craft October 26, 2023 Read not just for the what of the story, but for the how of the writing The editor has made a lifelong practice of studying other writers – not to write like them, but to understand how writing works August 22, 2023 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 114 Next