Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
Empathy as the prime directive in writing about displaced people

Empathy as the prime directive in writing about displaced people

We are living in a century of displacement, says Jessica Goudeau, award-winning author of “After the Last Border: Two Families and the Story of Refuge in America.” And because we…
Sage writing advice from the editor of Column One

Sage writing advice from the editor of Column One

Steve Padilla of the Los Angeles Times urges writers to tune up their writing with song
“I spent my career writing hard news. That's me.”

“I spent my career writing hard news. That’s me.”

If you’re not a fan of “A River Runs Through It,” it can only be because you haven’t read it yet. Norman Maclean’s 1976 novella of family dynamics plays out…
What a journalist mom learns from her daughter's foray into writing the news

What a journalist mom learns from her daughter’s foray into writing the news

My daughter Zara, who just turned 9, attended her first reporting interview as an infant, napping next to my chest in a snuggly baby wrap tied around my waist.Traci Angel,…
Ernest Hemingway's true and lasting writing lessons

Ernest Hemingway’s true and lasting writing lessons

A new documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explores the complexity of the man, and the legacy of his work
Roy Peter Clark on productive writing through a pandemic year

Roy Peter Clark on productive writing through a pandemic year

From The Power of Narrative conference: Writing coach Roy Peter Clark finds that his tried-and-true habits kept him focused during the distraction of COVID
Jumpstart your writing routine: coffee, journals, sketches and postcards

Jumpstart your writing routine: coffee, journals, sketches and postcards

I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions this year. However, I did launch a new morning routine.Every morning I get up, make coffee, get the woodstove going, sit in my…
How the magic of mushrooms inspired magical science writing about ecology

How the magic of mushrooms inspired magical science writing about ecology

Ferris Jabr follows a forest ecologist into the woods to listen to the conversations that happen above and below ground
How 66 days of shell art helped a retired journalist rediscover her writing voice

How 66 days of shell art helped a retired journalist rediscover her writing voice

Retired sports editor Cathy Henkel created a daily countdown to the presidential inauguration in shells and stones, and found herself telling stories
When writing news requires a distance from neutrality to "tell it like it is"

When writing news requires a distance from neutrality to “tell it like it is”

Writing guru Roy Peter Clark analyzes an "astonishing lead," and unpacks the notions of objectivity and detachment in light of current events