Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
The big idea: How to find enterprising stories

The big idea: How to find enterprising stories

Editor’s note: A great many Storyboard readers are journalism students, nonfiction writers in MFA programs, and beginning reporters and editors. The pieces in our Essays on Craft department cater to…
A champion of nonlinear narratives: An interview with documentary filmmaker Florian Thalhofer

A champion of nonlinear narratives: An interview with documentary filmmaker Florian Thalhofer

When Florian Thalhofer shows one of his interactive documentaries in theaters, he arms the audience with laser pointers. Whenever there is a choice of which clip to watch next, the…
Storytelling and policy: The Washington Post's new narrative project

Storytelling and policy: The Washington Post’s new narrative project

The expansive projects that Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron announced today is good news for narrative journalists in two ways: The paper plans to expand the Sunday magazine (we…
Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and "The Killing Trail"

Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and “The Killing Trail”

Buzz Bissinger’s “The Killing Trail” — his unremittingly bleak 1995 account of “fag-bashing” in Texas — was his first story for Vanity Fair. (He is still a contributor, and has…
3 countries, 4 conferences

3 countries, 4 conferences

If only we could start an international narrative-journalism conference crawl — sort of like a pub crawl, but with pencils and notebooks — here’s how we’d map out the year:“Power of Narrative:…
The journalist and Dr. V

The journalist and Dr. V

To be a journalist on Twitter in the past four days has meant taking part, one way or another, in one of the more heated story dissections in recent memory.…
Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Every fellow who comes through Lippmann House is a storyteller of a sort, whether with words or visuals or data or sound. The Class of 2014 arrived from across journalistic…

The future of digital longform, Part 1: “Snow Fall” (yep, that again — worth it) + poetry + how we read

Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism hosted a daylong Future of Digital Longform conference recently, and it was full of good stuff. (They kindly invited Storyboard to appear on…
Roundup: 2013 Best of Narrative Storytelling in Journalism

Roundup: 2013 Best of Narrative Storytelling in Journalism

For our second annual Best of Narrative roundup, our selectors reported an anguishing task: so many great pieces, so few berths. Enjoy these top picks from 2013. And Happy New…
Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Because why not a list of lists? Ten* worth the storyteller's time:1) “130 years of must-read stories for digital journalists: five lessons from 1851-1981,” by Abraham Hyatt, editor of the…