Search results for “writing+the+book”

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What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

How many journalists regard the Watergate scandal as a love story? Peter Landesman does and that is, arguably, the key to his success as a screenwriter.Landesman was sitting in a…
We look under the storytelling hood, with great tips on pitching *and* writing

We look under the storytelling hood, with great tips on pitching *and* writing

We really looked under the hood of literary journalism this week, with wonderful tips on how to pitch and write your stories. In the second installment of our series “The…
5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book "Immersion"

5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book “Immersion”

The photograph on the cover of  Abbie Gascho Landis’ “Immersion” is the first hint that the book is going to be surprising. The image is at once coy and inviting,…
The journalistic power of empathy: making connections that elevate the writing

The journalistic power of empathy: making connections that elevate the writing

Empathy is one of the greatest gifts a journalist can have. If you come by it naturally, you can actually feel what your subject is feeling, and that can be a…
5(ish) Questions: Steve Oney and "A Man's World" (both the song and his new book)

5(ish) Questions: Steve Oney and “A Man’s World” (both the song and his new book)

The writer talks about how ideas about masculinity have changed over his 40-year career, and how he eerily predicted the rise of Breitbart America
The unexpected benefits of a springtime blizzard: reading a book by candlelight

The unexpected benefits of a springtime blizzard: reading a book by candlelight

A spring blizzard this week left me without power for 16 hours, and at first I felt unmoored because there was no heat, no light — and no Internet connection.…
Trying to find the dividing line between "travel writing" and "writing about place"

Trying to find the dividing line between “travel writing” and “writing about place”

It all started with a dusty photo album and a torn children’s map of the world.After countless hours spent sitting cross-legged on the cold concrete floor of our unfinished basement,…
Learning about writing from Fred Astaire and Beyoncé, and a "Passport" to dread

Learning about writing from Fred Astaire and Beyoncé, and a “Passport” to dread

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
"Why's This So Good?" Charles P. Pierce on Michael Brick and Deadline Writing

“Why’s This So Good?” Charles P. Pierce on Michael Brick and Deadline Writing

This is the ninth of ten stories Storyboard will post from a new collection honoring Michael Brick [see our 5 Questions on the project], each featuring an introduction by a writer who…

Esquire Classic: Elizabeth Kaye and great profile writing

Esquire has long been fascinated by men in power—and by the frailties and anxieties that lie just beneath their polished facades. Beginning in the late eighties, contributing editor Elizabeth Kaye…