Search results for “writing+the+book” Showing 1134 results How do you make the bear facts interesting? A member of the social media team at the National Park Service uses humor to engage an audience and keep park-goers safe October 7, 2022 Hearing stories from behind the burqa New Yorker writer Anand Gopal worked through layers of sources to enter the veiled world of Afghan women under Taliban rule September 30, 2022 A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast Author and narrative reporter Line Vaaben offers gems from her 20-year immersion into the craft of storytelling September 23, 2022 What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read Every morning I wake up and do exactly what and and and all those other “take care of yourself” sites and blogs and organizations tell me not… September 20, 2022 How narratives defined a Queen and a Queen changed a narrative The Queen is dead. Long live the King.OK, that may be the most predictable line I’ve ever written, but a version of it has been working for the Brits for,… September 13, 2022 Teaching (or learning) story craft? Storyboard is here to help We interrupt your syllabus prep with this important message:Consider Nieman Storyboard as a resource – and even publication destination – in your reporting, writing and journalism ethics courses.Storyboard is a… September 2, 2022 Combing through clips, records and emotions for lessons from the past A Los Angeles Times reporter revisited a little-known U.S. Supreme Court abortion rights case that helped pave the way for Roe v. Wade September 1, 2022 The Pitch: Landing a “definitive narrative” in The Atavist Magazine Editor Seyward Darby: "I definitely want people who are willing to strip a story down to its basics and figure out how to build it back up." August 18, 2022 Four years of reporting follows new threads in a previously reported crime story Katia Savchuk spent a year pre-reporting before she pitched The Atavist on a nuanced story of crime and mental illness August 17, 2022 J-school everywhere, everyday The start of a new school year is upon us. That may have some feeling excited — days spent with old and new friends, new adventures in learning and all… August 16, 2022 Previous 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 … 114 Next