Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 1134 results
The thing with feathers: Burkhard Bilger and his haute-couture "plumassier"

The thing with feathers: Burkhard Bilger and his haute-couture “plumassier”

In his profile of a fashion creative who works exclusively with feathers, The New Yorker reporter shows off his own plumage in the beautiful writing
Peter Stark and “As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow – First – Chill – Then Stupor – Then the Letting Go –”

Peter Stark and “As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow – First – Chill – Then Stupor – Then the Letting Go –”

Twenty years on, this wonderful second-person narrative about hypothermia, a writing tour de force, is still one of Outside magazine's most-read stories
Finding the story in the parentheses and other adventures with Jeffrey Stern

Finding the story in the parentheses and other adventures with Jeffrey Stern

In this Vanity Fair piece, a freelancer takes readers on a wild ride in a bulletproof car with a Kurdish fighter turned savior
William Langewiesche and "Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight"

William Langewiesche and “Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight”

The prize-winning magazine writer's first book is a blueprint for the world as he sees it, exploring themes to come in the next 20 years

“No single gesture would do more to demonstrate continuity and stability … “

“No single gesture would do more to demonstrate continuity and stability — to show that the government of the United States would continue to function without interruption despite the assassination…
Francisco Cantú and "The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches From the Border"

Francisco Cantú and “The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches From the Border”

The memoir of his life with the Border Patrol combines lyricism and pain, highlighting by turns the futility, absurdity and uniqueness of his time there
As Saudi Arabia modernizes, an expat child of its "Little America" creates a time capsule

As Saudi Arabia modernizes, an expat child of its “Little America” creates a time capsule

In "Aramco: Above the Oil Fields," photographer Ayesha Malik finds the beautiful in the ordinary of its past -- and present
Annotation Tuesday: Elizabeth Weil and “The Curse of the Bahia Emerald”

Annotation Tuesday: Elizabeth Weil and “The Curse of the Bahia Emerald”

Elizabeth Weil, a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and Outside, says she doesn’t write about “super important” things. But her warm and captivating voice has animated every…
Start 2018 out right with some literary journalism conferences and workshops

Start 2018 out right with some literary journalism conferences and workshops

The Power of Narrative: Telling True Stories in Turbulent TimesMarch 23-25Boston UniversityBoston, MassachusettsIt looks like the longest-running narrative journalism conference is making a point of spotlighting great female journalists and…
Some legends of longform on the stories we need next

Some legends of longform on the stories we need next

Susan Orlean, Pamela Colloff and other journalism heroes talk about why they think narrative is worthwhile, and what inspires them in grim times