Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 1134 results
Notable Narrative: Daniel Miller and the Los Angeles Times' “Selling Stardom”

Notable Narrative: Daniel Miller and the Los Angeles Times’ “Selling Stardom”

The show business reporter takes a walk on the seamier side of Hollywood, and meets a lot of wannabes with broken dreams (plus an agent who breaks down in front…
5(ish) Questions: Diarmid Mogg and the crazy-compelling "Small Town Noir"

5(ish) Questions: Diarmid Mogg and the crazy-compelling “Small Town Noir”

The Scotsman's website is a rabbit hole of midcentury mug shots and the stories of the everyday people of a Pennsylvania town at probably the worst moment in their lives
Notable Narrative: Bernt Jakob Oksnes and "The Baby in the Plastic Bag"

Notable Narrative: Bernt Jakob Oksnes and “The Baby in the Plastic Bag”

The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet bucked the short-attention-span trend by committing to a nine-part serial -- and it paid off both in readers and a powerful narrative about an infant left…
Annotation Tuesday! Christopher Solomon and "The Detective of Northern Oddities"

Annotation Tuesday! Christopher Solomon and “The Detective of Northern Oddities”

For his piece in Outside magazine, the writer talks about the trickiness of reporting on climate change and the importance of pacing: "readers can feel when the story loses its…
The art of the obituary: It's a dying one

The art of the obituary: It’s a dying one

As newsrooms shrink, a former obit writer mourns the loss of bustling staffs that took deadline dives into fascinating lives, and looks fondly at the New York Times piece marking…
A Saudi feminist's spoken-word performance finds its power in protest

A Saudi feminist’s spoken-word performance finds its power in protest

Waad Janbi, a Saudi feminist and aspiring filmmaker, has long fought against misogyny using her hands–furiously typing on her smartphone or laptop. But last month, for the first time, she…
Annotation Tuesday! Ron Rosenbaum and "The Secrets of the Little Blue Box"

Annotation Tuesday! Ron Rosenbaum and “The Secrets of the Little Blue Box”

The writer talks about his eerily prescient 1971 Esquire classic about "phone phreaks," and how it inspired Steve Jobs (who later said, “If we hadn’t made blue boxes, there would…
5(ish) Questions: Ted Conover and “Immersion: A Writer's Guide to Going Deep”

5(ish) Questions: Ted Conover and “Immersion: A Writer’s Guide to Going Deep”

The journalist, who has spent the last 30 years immersing himself in others' lives, talks about going beyond the "cardboard versions" of people, and the ethics of undercover reporting
Annotation Tuesday! Adrian Chen and “Unfollow”

Annotation Tuesday! Adrian Chen and “Unfollow”

The New Yorker writer talks about his story on the awakening of a daughter of the reviled Westboro Baptist Church, calling it "a culmination of things I was writing about…
5 Questions: Julie Beck and "When Are You Really an Adult?"

5 Questions: Julie Beck and “When Are You Really an Adult?”

In her Atlantic piece, the writer captures that moment when you’ve worn a cap and gown but at the same time feel like a little kid playing dress-up