Search results for “writing+the+book”

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Work the problem: How to look at your own stories more objectively

Work the problem: How to look at your own stories more objectively

Our storytelling advice column continues: A journalist asks a question and we find an accomplished narrative writer or editor to answer it. In our first installment, Dave Tarrant of the…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 71: John Jeremiah Sullivan and "Upon This Rock"

Last summer, John Jeremiah Sullivan wrote an essay about Faulkner’s Absalom! Absalom!, and amid his deft and borderline genius thoughts on the novel – “It…dramatize[s] historical consciousness itself, not just human lives but the…

Annotation Tuesday! Amy Wallace on Garry Shandling

Reading Amy Wallace's profiles is like sitting around your favorite bar with your favorite super-witty friend and talking about people over cocktails: You come for the companionship and vibe, you…
Thomas Curwen and the brave young man

Thomas Curwen and the brave young man

Our new Notable Narrative is “A young man’s fateful dance with death,” in which Thomas Curwen of the Los Angeles Times elegantly chronicles 19-year-old Jesús García’s struggle with a brain tumor.…
Work the problem: "How do you prospect for narrative beyond the obvious?"

Work the problem: "How do you prospect for narrative beyond the obvious?"

This is the inaugural installment of Work the Problem, a storytelling advice column featuring everyday craft quandaries and a roving band of narrative sages. Today's players:>Dave Tarrant, reporter, Dallas Morning…
Annotation Tuesday! Mary Roach and "Almost Human"

Annotation Tuesday! Mary Roach and "Almost Human"

Mary Roach’s voice is so distinctive you could take her byline off her stories and her NYT best-selling books and still know who wrote them. Roach immerses herself in worlds…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 69: William Hazlitt and Liber Amoris

Another writer introduced me to William Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris as if he were passing along a tip to eat in a restaurant with great food but clumsy waiters. “It’s not…
Storyboard 2013: New year, new features

Storyboard 2013: New year, new features

Storytelling in 2013 — how will it look? Sound? How will it make us feel? Who’s doing it well, and how did they do it, and what can the rest of…
Top 10 Storyboard posts of 2012

Top 10 Storyboard posts of 2012

We welcomed thousands of new visitors to Storyboard this year along with exciting new contributors and content. Thanks for your continued enthusiasm and support, and for helping to further the…
Andrew Corsello and the wronged man

Andrew Corsello and the wronged man

Guest curating today’s Notable Narrative is Michael Fitzgerald, a business and technology writer and former Nieman Fellow, who chose Andrew Corsello’s “The Wronged Man,” from GQ. Check back tomorrow for…