Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1130 results
Essential Breslin: Artful narrative by a master of journalistic craft

Essential Breslin: Artful narrative by a master of journalistic craft

A new anthology of stories by the New York City columnist is analyzed for the deadline work that underlies his timeless art
A brutal murder, a welcoming pub and an elegiac essay of place

A brutal murder, a welcoming pub and an elegiac essay of place

An Irish Times writer refused the easy draw of a lurid murder, and instead delivered a deadline ode to community
What makes an effective editor? Flexibility, mutual trust and chocolate chips

What makes an effective editor? Flexibility, mutual trust and chocolate chips

A new Storyboard series starts with Atlantic national editor Scott Stossel talking about what he brings to stories and writers
From the solid foundation of articles to the creative reach of stories

From the solid foundation of articles to the creative reach of stories

A college journalism student and aspiring writer shares what she's learning about the power of both factual and descriptive reporting
How to stop "performing" and write as only you can write

How to stop “performing” and write as only you can write

Author, journalist and narrative teacher Steve Almond offers self-aware writing advice in a new "DIY manual for the construction of stories"
How to turn all that "stuff" into narrative

How to turn all that “stuff” into narrative

Practical tips from nonfiction author Elizabeth Mehren on how to create compelling nonfiction from mounds of research and interviews
Journalism awards: Free j-school

Journalism awards: Free j-school

Contest winners and finalists, chosen by fellow professionals, demonstrate journalistic standards and purpose, and reflect the times we live in
The power of the pun, from Shakespeare to Walter Cronkite to Roy Peter Clark

The power of the pun, from Shakespeare to Walter Cronkite to Roy Peter Clark

How a bit of word play launched Clark's career as the renowned writing teacher at the Poynter Institute and author of 20 books on writing
Triad ledes: The power of three to tell the story of all

Triad ledes: The power of three to tell the story of all

The "golden mean" of philosophy, nature and art can help writers tell complex stories of issue and policy with intimacy and humanity
Respecting the tortured voice and troubled choices of the mentally ill

Respecting the tortured voice and troubled choices of the mentally ill

Ellen Barry of The New York Times unspooled the heartbreaking consequences of no-great-choices for those in the mental health system