Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1130 results
Not just another sappy Christmas story

Not just another sappy Christmas story

Reporters of a certain place and time — Eugene, Oregon, in the 1970s — loved to tell stories about how they were hired. At the time, the Eugene Register-Guard was…
Gratitude Notes (#25): Classic guides, classy pens, fast keyboards and supportive friends

Gratitude Notes (#25): Classic guides, classy pens, fast keyboards and supportive friends

Editor’s note: This month, we bring you brief reminders from pros around the world about what or who helped them forward in their careers. [dcI[/dc] am thankful for William Zinsser’s book…
The chronic pain of runaway medical debt

The chronic pain of runaway medical debt

An investigative narrative exposes a system where the bounty hunter rules
From basketball stardom to rosary beads

From basketball stardom to rosary beads

When she got the story assignment, ESPN senior writer Elizabeth Merrill could hardly believe it:A Villanova basketball star, Shelly Pennefather, won the 1987 Wade Trophy as the top female player…
Coming home from stories of war

Coming home from stories of war

 Last month, journalist, filmmaker and military veteran Zack Baddorf made a plea, in an essay for Nieman Reports, that more veterans consider careers in journalism and more newsrooms hire veterans.…
Dishing up some sides of gratitude with notes

Dishing up some sides of gratitude with notes

Journalists take a moment to remember what they're thankful for: from editors to decent pay help.
The 1619 project: Tracing steps backwards to find a way forward

The 1619 project: Tracing steps backwards to find a way forward

Four centuries ago this year, a privateer named the White Lion anchored off Point Comfort, an English colony in what is now Hampton, Virginia. In its cramped hold, it carried…
Some warbly thoughts on "voice"

Some warbly thoughts on “voice”

Defining a writer’s “voice” has always stumped me. It came up again recently, when a journalism professor put me on speaker phone with her class of college freshmen, who had…
A needle in time to heal pains of the past

A needle in time to heal pains of the past

The Power of Storytelling: A journalist and novelist with a painful legacy picks up threads of the family story she's never known how to write
"As they say, history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes."

“As they say, history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.”

— Margaret Atwood, from her dystopian novel "The Testaments"