Search results for “writing the book”

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A better way to teach writing? Try journalism

A better way to teach writing? Try journalism

A PhD in literature argues that journalism, not "comp," is the most effective way to help college student learn to write
So you want to write  book? A long journey from newspaper reporter to book author

So you want to write book? A long journey from newspaper reporter to book author

In "The Diary of a Misfit," Casey Parks' had to let go of some journalistic boundaries to write about being queer in the religious, rural South
Hacking and whacking the way to writing clarity — and pie

Hacking and whacking the way to writing clarity — and pie

An author and freelancer contemplates story craft as she tames and harvests the blackberry brambles on her land
So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

First published in the wine-and-dine era, Lauren Kessler now manages a blog, Instagram account, YouTube videos and more to help market her books
A meteorologist attracts an audience with casual writing and controversial views

A meteorologist attracts an audience with casual writing and controversial views

 If not for the astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan, University of Washington atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass might be writing and teaching about Nor’easters, Mount Washington in New Hampshire and Boston’s…
So you want to write a book? The risks and rewards of memoir

So you want to write a book? The risks and rewards of memoir

A learning-teaching journalist shares lessons learned as she revisited the realities of her mother's death and her own eating disorder
Writing about the unthinkable pain of child suicides

Writing about the unthinkable pain of child suicides

Author, essayist and lecturer Andrew Solomon weaves statistics and personal pain to explores the toll that depression takes on young children
2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

Editor’s note: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. For other takeaways, see Ellen Barry on first-person narratives and Lizzie Johnson…
A key to clear, accessible writing: Familiar analogies to describe the complex

A key to clear, accessible writing: Familiar analogies to describe the complex

Ah, those pesky numbers. Not, we journalists are often told, our strong suit. Or to cite the old and very lame joke: “Jourmalists don’t do math.”And yet we must, especially…
So you want to write a book? Part 2: Agents, queries and timelines

So you want to write a book? Part 2: Agents, queries and timelines

Newspaperman-turned-author Bryan Denson shares how he organizes his notes and timelines for books