Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1130 results
A nutcracker suite: How top journalists interpret the dance of the nut graf

A nutcracker suite: How top journalists interpret the dance of the nut graf

Editor’s note: We’re looking at the never-ending debate over what is called, in journalese, the “nut graf” — that so-what paragraph or section that pulls out of the news or…
A nut graf by any other name might taste sweeter ~ and be more digestible

A nut graf by any other name might taste sweeter ~ and be more digestible

A defense of the summary nut as it is used in variations by Ken Burns, the Beatles and Shakespeare
Nut grafs: Overused, misused — or merely misunderstood?

Nut grafs: Overused, misused — or merely misunderstood?

When a summary nut beeps like the back-up horn on a truck or blinds like a searchlight, it can ruin the magic of a narrative
From a Kickstarter about avocados to conviction as an American spy

From a Kickstarter about avocados to conviction as an American spy

How Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian turned 544 days in an Iranian prison into a story about love, journalism and a broken homeland
Shining light on a "shadow" special-ed program in the Georgia public schools

Shining light on a “shadow” special-ed program in the Georgia public schools

Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker uses the narrative of one child in one school to reveal the widespread costs of "separate and unequal"
An annotated project that "breaks the 'rules' in all the right ways"

An annotated project that “breaks the ‘rules’ in all the right ways”

EDITOR’S NOTE: While we did not annotate this project by ProPublica Illinois, we are including it in “Annotation Tuesday” because the story itself, as published, was an innovative example of…
The Sixth Cactus: When green becomes so much more than green

The Sixth Cactus: When green becomes so much more than green

Editor’s note: This is another in our Shop Class series. The goal is to break down the work that goes into creating stories, and offer prompts, suggestions or exercises to help you…
Five life hacks for beating writer's block

Five life hacks for beating writer’s block

Every writer procrastinates. Even John McPhee, one of the most prolific writers of our time. “I’ll go hours before I’m able to write a word,” he has said. “I’ll make tea. I…
Yes, everyone, there is a reason to believe ...

Yes, everyone, there is a reason to believe …

From one crusty newspaperman in 19th century to another in the 21st, the "Yes, Virginia" letter endures, transcending time and cynicism
A "final" phone call from the wildfires inspires an unusual, intimate story written under the fire of deadline

A “final” phone call from the wildfires inspires an unusual, intimate story written under the fire of deadline

A conversation with Corina Knoll of The Los Angeles Times: She broke with convention and just wrote it "how I felt it should be told"