
BuzzFeed News' Albert Samaha and a modern-day lynching in Mississippi

BuzzFeed News’ Albert Samaha and a modern-day lynching in Mississippi

Tomorrow’s journalists exploring the masters of today Jacqui Banaszynski is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who now is an endowed Knight Chair  professor at the Missouri School of Journalism. Last semester,…
Two top New York Times editors talk about the yearlong project "Murder in the 4-0"

Two top New York Times editors talk about the yearlong project “Murder in the 4-0”

When I worked at the Los Angeles Times, one of the things that made me the proudest of the newspaper was its commitment to covering every killing in L.A. County…
Why's This So Good: Fidel Castro and the art of the obit

Why’s This So Good: Fidel Castro and the art of the obit

Anyone who’s worked in the obituary or foreign news section of a news outlet has a story or two to tell about the Fidel Castro obituary, otherwise known as Bane…
5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine's Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine’s Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

In today’s age of distraction, reading an entire longform story in one sitting — never mind an entire magazine —seems like a lost art. Emails, text messages, Facebook notifications and…
5(ish) Questions: Bill Sanderson and the JFK assassination "Bulletins from Dallas"

5(ish) Questions: Bill Sanderson and the JFK assassination “Bulletins from Dallas”

In this time of political shockers, it seems a good time to revisit the biggest political shocker of the American 20th century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.Today is…
Adventures in storytelling, from old-school noir to new-school memoir

Adventures in storytelling, from old-school noir to new-school memoir

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
Why's This So Good? Randy Potts and "The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean"

Why’s This So Good? Randy Potts and “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean”

I follow the journalist Randy Potts on social media, so I had known for weeks that he was planning to launch “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean,” a…
Old meets new: The power of a Facebook Live experiment with Kodachrome

Old meets new: The power of a Facebook Live experiment with Kodachrome

One day this spring, New York Times reporter Deborah Acosta left her reporting up to serendipity.She’d followed a trail of Kodachrome slides to a huge bag full of striking images,…
The election of Donald Trump and the death of Leonard Cohen: an intersection

The election of Donald Trump and the death of Leonard Cohen: an intersection

This week I thought I’d depart a little from the regular format, because this wasn’t a normal week. We went to the polls, we elected a billionaire reality-TV star to…
Shifting the Focus

Shifting the Focus

Short, powerful documentaries are on the rise as news outlets compete for hearts and minds