
5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine's Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine’s Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

The editor of the ephemeral multimedia performances talks about bringing journalism to life onstage, and meeting the coolest people in the audiences
5(ish) Questions: Bill Sanderson and the JFK assassination "Bulletins from Dallas"

5(ish) Questions: Bill Sanderson and the JFK assassination “Bulletins from Dallas”

The new biography of UPI reporter Merriman "Smitty" Smith, who won a Pulitzer for his coverage of the biggest political shocker of the 20th century, has so much journalism drama…
Adventures in storytelling, from old-school noir to new-school memoir

Adventures in storytelling, from old-school noir to new-school memoir

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
Why's This So Good? Randy Potts and "The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean"

Why’s This So Good? Randy Potts and “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean”

I follow the journalist Randy Potts on social media, so I had known for weeks that he was planning to launch “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean,” a…
Old meets new: The power of a Facebook Live experiment with Kodachrome

Old meets new: The power of a Facebook Live experiment with Kodachrome

New York Times reporter Deborah Acosta follows a trail of cast-off slides, and engages with readers in real time to solve a mystery. So cool!
The election of Donald Trump and the death of Leonard Cohen: an intersection

The election of Donald Trump and the death of Leonard Cohen: an intersection

This week I thought I’d depart a little from the regular format, because this wasn’t a normal week. We went to the polls, we elected a billionaire reality-TV star to…
Shifting the Focus

Shifting the Focus

Short, powerful documentaries are on the rise as news outlets compete for hearts and minds
Why’s This So (Damn) Good (and Topical)? David Foster Wallace and “McCain’s Promise"

Why’s This So (Damn) Good (and Topical)? David Foster Wallace and “McCain’s Promise”

The late writer, who went on the 2000 campaign bus "with a whole bunch of actual reporters," makes the case for voting in a cynical time -- and seems to…
Learning about writing from Fred Astaire and Beyoncé, and a "Passport" to dread

Learning about writing from Fred Astaire and Beyoncé, and a “Passport” to dread

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
5 Questions: Alex Tizon and "In the Land of Missing Persons"

5 Questions: Alex Tizon and “In the Land of Missing Persons”

The Pulitzer winner (and two-time finalist) talks about covering the aftermath of a school shooting a different way: "the truth is obviously so much uglier and so much messier and…