
The Meaning of Work

This is an exceptional story: We notice the wealth of detail, reporting. We admire the efficiency of pace, of sentences, of movement from one event to another. We admire the…

Never Say Uncle

The opening scene in this piece got our attention; it’s muscular in its frank portrayal of character. It also effectively sets up a problem: a young mother’s struggle to care…

Shuttle Diplomacy

Allison focuses his profile on Nelson’s volunteer mission on the space shuttle, using details about Nelson’s behavior on the shuttle to portray him as a slightly nerdy politician who’s also—surprise,…

The Ground We Lived On

LeBlanc’s lovely, sad portrayal of her father’s death shows character and relationship through 12 minutes of intimate tape.Read/listen to “The Ground We Lived On,” by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc…

A New Game Plan

Saslow recounts Hixon’s injury, hospitalization and quest to find a new career. He moves between flashbacks and present-time narrative, changing tenses to help demarcate sections. The piece is a nice…

Hell and Back

Rose offers an insightful first-person account of his experience with mental illness. Memoirs of descents into internal hells are getting more common—and that seems like a good thing. They demystify…

Odyssey of Healing

We appreciated, were even grateful for, Streeter’s exploration of moral and political context in this story. He might have tried to make this a piece about overcoming odds, about the…

The Daughter

Here’s what Erika Hayasaki wrote us when she sent this piece: "This is an example of going back after the news is ‘over’ and finding the richer story. I read…

Making Up for Lost Time

This is a retrospective narrative, part history and part where-they-are-now. It’s an important and difficult story to tell. Difficult, it seems to us, because of its complexity and nuance. Mundy…

The Lessons of the Father

We asked Swidey to tell us about his work on this story. Here’s what he e-mailed us:“I knew what I didn’t want to write: the birth-to-current-day profile of Mitt Romney,…