
Featured Fellow: Tommy Tomlinson

Featured Fellow: Tommy Tomlinson

Tommy TomlinsonNieman Class of 2009Tomlinson spent 23 years as a local columnist at the Charlotte Observer, writing the kind of pieces that readers clipped for their scrapbooks and refrigerators. He…
Featured Fellow: J.R. Moehringer

Featured Fellow: J.R. Moehringer

J.R. MoehringerNieman Class of 2001Here’s just some of the telling hardware Moehringer has taken home for his stories: Pulitzer Prize (2000) for feature writing; Pulitzer Prize finalist (1998) for feature…
Featured Fellow: Paul Salopek

Featured Fellow: Paul Salopek

Paul SalopekNieman Class of 2012Salopek is a former Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent and two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize: for explanatory reporting on the Human Genome Diversity Project (1998), and…
Featured Fellow: Buzz Bissinger

Featured Fellow: Buzz Bissinger

H.G. “Buzz” BissingerNieman Class of 1986Bissinger authored the critically acclaimed narrative nonfiction book Friday Light Nights, which inspired the long-running television series by the same name. He also published a…
Featured Fellow: Elizabeth Leland

Featured Fellow: Elizabeth Leland

Elizabeth LelandNieman Class of 1992A Charleston, S.C., native and a longtime Charlottean, Leland has written about the Carolinas way of life for more than 25 years. Charlotte Observer readers know and…
Featured Fellow: Larry L. King

Featured Fellow: Larry L. King

Larry L. KingNieman Class of 1970Some years ago, a lucky young newspaper reporter was granted a Nieman Fellowship to Harvard. Her best mentor and former professor gifted[1] her with a…
Featured Fellow: Doug Marlette

Featured Fellow: Doug Marlette

Doug MarletteClass of 1981The first editorial cartoonist to be named a Nieman Fellow, Marlette won the 1988 Pulitzer, for work that appeared in the Charlotte Observer and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.…
Featured Fellow: Madeleine Blais

Featured Fellow: Madeleine Blais

Madeleine BlaisNieman Class of 1986Blais won the 1980 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing for “Zepp’s Last Stand,” a Miami Herald story about a dishonorably discharged World War I veteran. She…
Featured Fellow: Steve Oney

Featured Fellow: Steve Oney

Steve OneyNieman Class of 1982Oney spent 17 years reporting and writing a book that ABA Journal in 2011 named one of the 30 books every lawyer must read. And the…
Featured Fellow: Gwen Thompkins

Featured Fellow: Gwen Thompkins

Gwen ThompkinsNieman Class of 2011Thompkins started her journalism career as a reporter and editor at the New Orleans Times-Picayune, and then moved into a 15-year run at NPR, first in…