
Boston Bookfuturists look at mapping, charting new narratives

Boston Bookfuturists look at mapping, charting new narratives

Continuing the “future of narrative” theme for this week, today we look at some of the experimental stories discussed at the first-ever Boston Bookfuturists Meetup on January 29, hosted by Joanne…
How are you doing? Laura Mayer shares the stories that rise out of small talk

How are you doing? Laura Mayer shares the stories that rise out of small talk

Storyboard is always looking for new approaches to storytelling that could be useful for journalists, so we were curious when a reader sent us a link to the How Are…
Meg Laughlin on reporting from Haiti: "this is the face of the nation now"

Meg Laughlin on reporting from Haiti: "this is the face of the nation now"

Melissa Lyttle / St. Petersburg TimesSt. Petersburg Times reporter Meg Laughlin recently spent eight days in Haiti and the Dominican Republic covering the aftermath of the earthquake. She managed to…
Meg Laughlin chronicles survivors' suffering in Haiti

Meg Laughlin chronicles survivors’ suffering in Haiti

Our latest Notable Narrative concerns the recent earthquake in Haiti but takes place in a public hospital in the Dominican Republic. St. Petersburg Times reporter Meg Laughlin finds one doctor…

Dan Koeppel and narrative tension—Popular Mechanics not for the faint of heart

So what do you do if you fall out of a plane at 35,000 feet, as is apparently the case with “How to Fall 35,000 Feet—And Survive” in the February issue…

Sherman Alexie, Garry Kasparov, The Caravan and more! It's grab bag Friday…

Take a gander at some of the more interesting writing we’ve seen lately. These pieces are more or less narrative, and come at storytelling from different angles, but are all are worth…

Yahoo! Sports’ Dan Wetzel on digital narratives: "you’ve got to fight for every reader"

Storyboard contributor (and Charlotte Observer columnist) Tommy Tomlinson recently sent us a link to a sports narrative by Dan Wetzel, describing it as a great example of a story done on deadline. Tomlinson noted the pressures faced…
National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

T.J. Stiles, author of Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, won a National Book Award in November for his second biography, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of…
Interview: Brenda Ann Kenneally on recording the lives of "Upstate Girls"

Interview: Brenda Ann Kenneally on recording the lives of "Upstate Girls"

Earlier this week, we talked with Brenda Ann Kenneally, an independent photojournalist who chronicles coming of age in post-industrial America. Her project, “Upstate Girls: What Became of Collar City” won first…
Interview: Studio 360's Lu Olkowski on multimedia, poetry and the working poor

Interview: Studio 360’s Lu Olkowski on multimedia, poetry and the working poor

We talked by phone last week with Lu Olkowski, a contributing producer with public radio's Studio 360 and co-creator of our latest Notable Narrative, “Women of Troy.” Here, Olkowski describes how the…