Author A day-in-the-life profile of a grocery store during the coronavirus shutdown With a cell phone, an eye for evocative detail and 50 pages of notes, Brittny Mejia of the Los Angeles Times turned a day at a grocery store into a… June 2, 2020 “… the only true medicine I could provide.” They are no longer novel, these personal stories the front lines of the coronavirus. Reporters are barred from the kind of immersion that allows eye-witness accounts from that expanding front.… May 29, 2020 The news joins the rituals of mourning EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is published in partnership with our friends at the Poynter InstituteI was half-way through an essay on how the experience of news — especially in the… May 28, 2020 Reverse engineering your story or project A friend reached out this past week, asking if I would chat with a friend of his. The second friend — I’ll call her J — runs a non-profit news… May 26, 2020 “When we came back to Paris it was clear and cold and lovely.” My wife, Karen, and I happen to have for more than a decade a good Catholic pastor, Msgr. Robert Gibbons. Among his many gifts, he is a news junkie and… May 20, 2020 A displaced writer picks up a camera — and falls back in love with learning We’re all reinventing ourselves in this suddenly sideways world. So here’s my reinvention story, and the theme that goes with it: Do it for love.The micro of what I did… May 19, 2020 Journalism lives at the check-out counter The job I moved back to New Hampshire for was not Shift Supervisor at the local branch of a national drug store chain. Back in February, I folded up five… May 15, 2020 “Execution is as important as vision.” When I came across this line, it was in a recent interview between Esquire politics blogger Charles P. Pierce and U.S. Senator Angus King, an Independent from Maine who caucuses… May 13, 2020 A poet’s distanced farewell to his students is an anthem for the times "... remember this: life is a mystery to be lived; not a problem to be solved." May 12, 2020 The path to excellence: Hard thinking, constant worry and “lunch-pail labor” EDITOR’S NOTE: Storyboard can’t, alas, run tributes to every fine and influential journalist or journalism educator who dies. But some tributes do more than honor an individual at his passing… May 7, 2020 Previous 1 … 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 … 240 Next