
Paige Williams


Paige Williams writes for The New Yorker and is an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism. Winner of the National Magazine Award for feature writing in 2008, and a finalist in 2011 and 2009 (shared) , she has been anthologized in five volumes of the Best American series, including twice in The Best American Magazine Writing. She is the former editor of Nieman Storyboard and has taught narrative nonfiction at Harvard, M.I.T., NYU, Emory, the University of Pittsburgh, and at her alma mater, the University of Mississippi. She was a '97 Nieman Fellow and holds an MFA in fiction from Columbia University. Her narrative nonfiction book "The Dinosaur Artist" is forthcoming, from Hachette, in Fall 2016.

The AP’s Kristen Gelineau, Ravi Nessman and Mary Rajkumar on the Saroo Brierley saga

Two AP reporters and an editor on three continents produced the story that we’ve chosen as our latest Notable Narrative. Kristen Gelineau (Sydney), Ravi Nessman (Delhi), and Mary Rajkumar (Miami; she’s the AP’s international enterprise editor) collaborated on the two-part…

Saroo Brierley Goes Home

A 5-year-old boy and his older brother, who live in a slum of India, board a train to go beg in a nearby city. The boy wakes up and his brother…
Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 2

Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 2

In Part 1 of our coverage of this year’s Investigative Reporters & Editors conference, Kiera Feldman, a This Land correspondent, rounded up tips on documents and data, the latest in…
Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 1

Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 1

In Part 1 of our coverage of this year’s Investigative Reporters & Editors conference, Kiera Feldman, a This Land correspondent, rounded up tips on documents and data, the latest in web research, source relationships, and…
Michael Mooney on trauma detail, his reading partner, the internal critic and his "I ♥ (Vince Young)" notebook

Michael Mooney on trauma detail, his reading partner, the internal critic and his "I ♥ (Vince Young)" notebook

We’ll be talking to Michael Mooney again soon about a small body of his recent long-form journalism, but today we give our attention to “When Lois Pearson Started Fighting Back,”…

Michael Mooney and the woman who forgave her torturer

Every crime narrative is essentially a human-spirit story: a spirit uplifted or in free fall. Michael Mooney managed to capture both the dark and the light in his D magazine…
Nora Ephron on writing: 7 tips

Nora Ephron on writing: 7 tips

Before she wrote Silkwood, before she fictionalized her divorce from Carl Bernstein in the novel Heartburn, before she felt bad about her neck or put Sally with Harry or gifted…
Video narrative, #longreads and more

Video narrative, #longreads and more

Keeping you up to date on all things Storyboard, we’d like to point out a few new features and opportunities you might have missed.*We’ve collected some of our most popular chats…
Jaimee Rose on a personal mystery, guiding forces, the importance of fripperies and the meaning of life

Jaimee Rose on a personal mystery, guiding forces, the importance of fripperies and the meaning of life

In “Question of a Lifetime,” our latest Notable Narrative, Arizona Republic features writer Jaimee Rose tells a moving story about her grandfather’s search for answers regarding a top-secret mission he…

Jaimee Rose and love, truth and war

We love a great war story and we love a great love story, and good Lord did Jaimee Rose of the Arizona Republic deliver both with “Question of a Lifetime,” our…