Narrative News

A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

June 28, 2024

As the Guardian Long Read marks its 10th anniversary, editor David Wolf defines the qualities and purpose of literary journalism

Narrative News

The backstory of a book of backstories about stories 

June 14, 2024

Some masters of narrative nonfiction collaborate to publish an anthology of current classics started by their late friend, Matt Tullis

Narrative News

How to stop “performing” and write as only you can write

May 2, 2024

Author, journalist and narrative teacher Steve Almond offers self-aware writing advice in a new "DIY manual for the construction of stories"

By Jacqui Banaszynski We received a lot of thumbs-up in response to the two-part post (November 2023) featuring nonfiction author Kim Cross. Our pieces featured an interview with Cross about how she landed a contract for her book, “In Light of All Darkness,”… Read More

Narrative News

RIP Jon Franklin: Inspirational writer, teacher and advocate of true stories

January 26, 2024

The two-time Pulitzer winner and author of the nonfiction narrative how-to, "Writing for Story," influenced two generations of journalistic masters

Narrative News

An editor’s sampler: ICYMI recommendations from 2023

December 29, 2023

The editor offers a range of 10 posts that teach, surprise, delight — and demonstrate Storyboard's commitment to the community

Narrative News

Readers have spoken: Top posts of 2023

December 28, 2023

The 10 most-viewed Storyboard posts show a strong interest in practical tools and the emerging art of investigative narratives

Narrative News

Writing award named for Roy Peter Clark

December 14, 2023

The Poynter Journalism Prizes introduce a new category for short writing in honor of "America's writing coach"

Narrative News

A newspaper re-embraces print

November 15, 2023

The Guardian again bets on elegant design, elegant writing and a print publication to showcase the best of in-depth nonfiction journalism

Narrative News

Honor due reporter, editor and Nieman curator Robert H. Giles, 1933-2023

August 17, 2023

The journalist's career shepherded coverage through the Vietnam War, civil rights, gay and women's rights, and a changing newspaper industry

Narrative News

The future of journalism in very good hands

June 22, 2023

Journalism students at Ida B. Wells High School in Portland, Oregon, have passion, purpose and skills inspired by a long-time teacher

Narrative News

A new best-of collection of audio storytelling honors narrative podcasting

April 19, 2023

Julia Barton turned her public radio career to the development of story podcasts and now revives the Storyboard series "Audio Danger"