Digital Storytelling

42 Essential 3rd Act Twists: one narrative alternative to storyboards?

42 Essential 3rd Act Twists: one narrative alternative to storyboards?

[First in a series looking at storyboarding projects.]You're almost done with your six-month narrative project, and you realize you have no multimedia elements. Or worse, you're coming upon the end of…
"Cutthroat Capitalism" strips down story to chase pirate treasure

“Cutthroat Capitalism” strips down story to chase pirate treasure

In WIRED’s recent take on Somali piracy, "Cutthroat Capitalism", Scott Carney leads what might have been a meaty narrative straight into a piranha-infested stream. What he pulls out on the…
Joel Achenbach and the storytellers' union

Joel Achenbach and the storytellers’ union

Lots of the usual suspects are blogging and Tweeting about Joel Achenbach’s piece on the future of narrative journalism that ran in yesterday’s Washington Post. Some people have excerpted interesting…

The Moth’s Lea Thau on storytelling

In some places, the spoken story is thriving. Last night in Boston, that 800-pound gorilla of live storytelling, the Moth, put on an event at the Tsai Performance Center. We decided…

Confessions of a podcaster

Long-form, narrative radio—that’s the kind of radio many of us dreamed of doing when we started in the business, before so much of it, for reasons both economic and stylistic,…

Environmental narrative: from reindeer herders to sustainable prisons

Between following firefighters in Washington’s Methow Valley and the semi-nomadic Sami reindeer herders of Norway, Sara Joy Steele and Benjamin Drummond are putting together some innovative chapters in their large-scale…

Will KCET’s "Departures" set the pace for community storytelling?

Last week, the USC Annenberg School on Communications and the National Arts Journalism Program hosted a National Summit on Arts Journalism at USC, highlighting five public projects that are exploring new…

The best-kept secret on medical narratives

A doctor gets shingles and finds himself unable to refuse unnecessary tests. A student in need of a kidney transplant gets offers of marriage, with free health care attached. A…
Can ER teach us anything about medical news stories?

Can ER teach us anything about medical news stories?

Yesterday, The Harvard Crimson posted a fascinating article about the power of storytelling. Neal Baer, executive producer of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, spoke at a Radcliffe event titled “Telling…
Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

In September, photographer Mitch Epstein spoke by phone with us about his project “American Power,” which was highlighted in Granta’s summer issue. Epstein has worked as a fine art photographer…