From the Editor

The enduring gift of stories

The enduring gift of stories

By Jacqui BanaszynskiI am a Christmas person, without apology. I long ago left behind institutional religious practice. I no longer go big on decorations. But upbringing, culture and, mostly, the…
"Because the universe is made of stories ..."

“Because the universe is made of stories …”

Dame Maggie Smith as Aunt Ruth in "A Boy Called Christmas"
Can a paper napkin serve your writing?

Can a paper napkin serve your writing?

Small, random surfaces — like napkins, postcards, Post-its and notecards — can provide a non-intimidating space for ideas and drafts
Tapping star power for public service announcements

Tapping star power for public service announcements

By Jacqui BanaszynskiStoryboard does not indulge in easy click bait. But I would be foolish to ignore a legitimate opportunity to tap the drawing power of Taylor Swift.There’s this week’s…
Learning from the karma of gratitude

Learning from the karma of gratitude

By Jacqui BanaszynskiThe gratitude essay I wrote recentlyhas given back in multiples — which is how gratitude is supposed to work. I’ve received several lovely notes in response, including one…
A "gratitude alphabet" as writing practice

A “gratitude alphabet” as writing practice

By Jacqui BanaszynskiGratitude is hot. Researchers study its benefits on health, happiness and longevity. Therapists teach it as a grounding activity that puts anxiety in perspective. Philosophers write all manner…
Taking aim at gun violence coverage

Taking aim at gun violence coverage

By Jacqui BanaszynskiOn Wednesday last week, I had a plan for the newsletter: All manner of tidbits were collecting in a file and it was time to use the best…
Will history be served by email clutter?

Will history be served by email clutter?

By Jacqui BanaszynskiAccording to the adage, people don’t regret the things they did in life — only those they didn’t.I don’t buy it — anymore than I buy the assurance…
The core role of editors in trustworthy journalism

The core role of editors in trustworthy journalism

In frenzied times and a strained news economy, editors are often the first to be cut — just when they are needed more than ever
Story craft and presence is what the journalist brings to chaos

Story craft and presence is what the journalist brings to chaos

By Jacqui BanaszynskiJet lag clawed at me for days after getting home from writing workshops in Romania. My return flights involved cancellations, delays, the demand to check a bag I…