Narrative News

The Justice League of narrative? Even better: it's the roster of our new Editors' Roundtable

Earlier this week, we announced a new offering on Storyboard – an Editors’ Roundtable, in which a stellar group of editors will collectively analyze a piece of narrative journalism. We invited…
Kathleen Gallagher and Mark Johnson on medical reporting, the future of genetics, and how to keep your story going in the event you get hit by a beer truck

Kathleen Gallagher and Mark Johnson on medical reporting, the future of genetics, and how to keep your story going in the event you get hit by a beer truck

We talked this week with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporters Kathleen Gallagher and Mark Johnson about their recent project “One in a Billion,” our latest Notable Narrative. The three-day serial tells…

Roy Wenzl on abuse narratives and victims' voices: "With a story like this, you just need to say what happened"

We talked last week with Roy Wenzl, who wrote “Promise Not To Tell,” our last Notable Narrative for 2010. A reporter with The Wichita Eagle, Wenzl has a few other…
Andrew Rice on narrative and Niagara Falls: "It’s hard to believe that next to this natural wonder, there’s this amazing poverty"

Andrew Rice on narrative and Niagara Falls: "It’s hard to believe that next to this natural wonder, there’s this amazing poverty"

We talked this week with Andrew Rice, whose “The Fall of Niagara Falls” is our latest Notable Narrative. Rice’s career has included stints at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the New…

Statistics vs. storytelling: the grudge match?

Narrative journalism has been dogged for years by the idea that it is too subjective or somehow less capable of conveying hard numbers to the public than a traditional news…
Jay Caspian Kang on the heart of gambling narratives: "All you remember, really, is losing"

Jay Caspian Kang on the heart of gambling narratives: "All you remember, really, is losing"

We talked by phone this week with Jay Caspian Kang, author of The Morning News essay "The High Is Always the Pain, and the Pain Is Always the High," our…
Tech thoughts on storytelling: Amy Webb at ONA 2010

Tech thoughts on storytelling: Amy Webb at ONA 2010

Digital innovation is providing new tools with intriguing possibilities for storytelling. At the 2010 Online News Association Conference last weekend, Webbmedia’s Amy Webb presented tech trends she thinks might find…
2010 Online News Association conference awards highlight sites and stories

2010 Online News Association conference awards highlight sites and stories

Want to know what kind of online storytelling is turning heads? Over the weekend, the Online News Association held its 2010 conference in Washington, D.C. Competing with the Rally to…
Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

I had a chance to sit down last week with Anna Badkhen in Washington, D.C., to talk about her two books out this year, “Peace Meals” and “Waiting for the Taliban”…

Ralph Berrier on war, music and memoir: "it fell to me to do it"

We talked this week with Ralph Berrier Jr., Roanoke Times reporter and author of “If Trouble Don't Kill Me.” Recounting 1930s country music history and battles on three continents during…