Personal Essays

What 8-year-olds can remind us about good writing

What 8-year-olds can remind us about good writing

A journalist and mom goes to her son's third-grade class to teach writing ~ and instead becomes the grateful student
What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

Every morning I wake up and do exactly what and and and all those other “take care of yourself” sites and blogs and organizations tell me not…
Unlearning old-school lessons from a J-school education

Unlearning old-school lessons from a J-school education

Two months into my just-the-facts-ma’am, inverted pyramid life as a novice reporter assigned to cover every commission had that ever been formed anywhere in any municipality on Earth at any…
So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

First published in the wine-and-dine era, Lauren Kessler now manages a blog, Instagram account, YouTube videos and more to help market her books
Lessons in good writing from the love of a good dog

Lessons in good writing from the love of a good dog

As a man grieves his dog, he argues that the best writing is as much about the feeling as it is about the words
When feedback is a drag, and when it's path forward

When feedback is a drag, and when it’s path forward

For most of my life, feedback made me anxious.I was in third grade when my mom came home from a parent-teacher conference with this pronouncement. “Your teacher said your math…
Reading fiction through the filter of current events

Reading fiction through the filter of current events

Who we are when we encounter a story can have a lot to do with how we engage with that story and what meaning we take from it. Our age,…
50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

An essayist ponders when to write black-and-white polemics that attract clicks, and when to be more considered
A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

Every year, or as often as I can, I go into the northern Minnesota woods, usually alone now, seeking tranquility and time to brood and reflect.And I write while I’m…
How a writer's kaleidoscopic mind learned to still the distractions with haiku

How a writer’s kaleidoscopic mind learned to still the distractions with haiku

I learned much of what I value about writing from a man who lost his voice. A slender, black-eyed Panamanian, José Quintero was a legend in the American theater and…