Search results for “Nieman conference on narrative journalism”

Showing 228 results
Buzz Bissinger on heart, luck, honesty, critics and the importance of switching things up

Buzz Bissinger on heart, luck, honesty, critics and the importance of switching things up

When Buzz Bissinger visited the Nieman Foundation last week, in some ways he was coming home. Twenty-six years ago, he finished his Nieman year inspired to do new and different…
Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

We chose Wright Thompson’s piece “The Kid Who Wasn't There” as our latest Notable Narrative because the story added a chilling layer to the odd life story of Guerdwich…
Multimedia storytelling at The Atavist: One year in, how's it going, Evan Ratliff?

Multimedia storytelling at The Atavist: One year in, how’s it going, Evan Ratliff?

It’s been a little over a year since The Atavist debuted as a groundbreaking digital platform for long-form multimedia storytelling. Narrative journalists had been bemoaning the shrinking storytelling acreage, so this…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 40: Roy Blount Jr. lets Jerry Clower talk

Over the years Roy Blount Jr. has written a number of superb magazine articles, one of my favorites being “Knock ’im Out, Jay-ree!” a profile of the great Southern raconteur…
Harding in the house: a Pulitzer-winning novelist on rhythm, revision, rejection and a hundred other things

Harding in the house: a Pulitzer-winning novelist on rhythm, revision, rejection and a hundred other things

We promote narrative nonfiction here at Storyboard but occasionally look outside the genre for storytelling inspiration. Paul Harding, who won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for fiction for his novel “Tinkers,”…
Amy Harmon on getting readers “to think about the limits of their own tolerance”

Amy Harmon on getting readers “to think about the limits of their own tolerance”

Our latest Editors’ Roundtable looks at “Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World.” Amy Harmon's story follows Justin Canha, an autistic man in his early 20s, and the…
October Editors' Roundtable No. 1: The New York Times on autism and adulthood

October Editors’ Roundtable No. 1: The New York Times on autism and adulthood

Our first October Rountable looks at “Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World,” by Amy Harmon. Harmon tells the story of Justin Canha, a 21-year-old illustrator hoping to…
May Editors' Roundtable: St. Petersburg Times dives into missing man mystery

May Editors’ Roundtable: St. Petersburg Times dives into missing man mystery

This month, the Editors’ Roundtable looks at “When a diver goes missing, a deep cave is scene of a deeper mystery” by Ben Montgomery of the St. Petersburg Times. The story, our…
Roy Peter Clark on "the power of the parts" for storytelling

Roy Peter Clark on "the power of the parts" for storytelling

Roy Peter Clark holds the post of senior scholar at the Poynter Institute, and as such is one of narrative journalism's hardest-working midwives. You may have already encountered him here on…
Colin Harrison and Sam Gwynne on the editor-writer partnership, going deep and the difference between a subject and a story

Colin Harrison and Sam Gwynne on the editor-writer partnership, going deep and the difference between a subject and a story

In yet more goodness from July's Mayborn Conference, we're happy to post this conversation between Colin Harrison, who is currently senior editor at Scribner, and S.C. "Sam" Gwynne, author of "Empire of…