Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 119 results
Setting up the next chapter of life's story

Setting up the next chapter of life’s story

After six-plus years, the Storyboard editor is handing the keyboard forward
An imprint of journalistic values

An imprint of journalistic values

The editor reflects on the lifelong lessons learned at a special time in a special newsroom

Effective editing: Mike Wilson annotates a complex story he edited

The deputy editor of The New York Times "Good Reads" offers insights into what he sees in a reporter/writer's project
Circling your way to a story

Circling your way to a story

The editor muses on how letting your mind wander can sometimes lead to more creative insights and writing
A reporting team trekked back 50 years to explore an unsolved climbing mystery

A reporting team trekked back 50 years to explore an unsolved climbing mystery

In "Ghosts on the Glacier," John Branch and a New York Times multi-media team tell a tale with echoes of the 2012 Pulitzer-winning project "Snow Fall"
Reporting past the black-and-white politics of school book bans

Reporting past the black-and-white politics of school book bans

Education reporter Hannah Natanson profiled a teacher facing a divided classroom as part of the Washington Post's "School Book Wars" series
Peek inside a successful book proposal

Peek inside a successful book proposal

Author Kim Cross annotates the lengthy proposal that landed a contract for the book that revisits the 1993 Polly Klaas kidnapping
Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

"Your eyes and ears and nose should be wide open the whole time." ~ Luke Mogelson of The New Yorker on reporting from the front lines
Read not just for the what of the story, but for the how of the writing

Read not just for the what of the story, but for the how of the writing

The editor has made a lifelong practice of studying other writers – not to write like them, but to understand how writing works
The (should-be-easy) interview a veteran interviewer couldn't bring himself to do

The (should-be-easy) interview a veteran interviewer couldn’t bring himself to do

A reporter sat with people in "the worst moments of their lives" but froze when it came time to talk to a famous writer