Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 119 results
Newest Americans: stories of immigrants who help make the country great

Newest Americans: stories of immigrants who help make the country great

The collaborative project asks: "What could be more salient at a time when our nation is debating what it means to be American and who deserves to claim that mantle?”
Matthew Pearl and "Into the Shadows" (Filed under: You can't make this stuff up)

Matthew Pearl and “Into the Shadows” (Filed under: You can’t make this stuff up)

The historical novelist talks about his Boston Globe Magazine yarn and how he answered the question, "Who were America's first detectives?"
Nikole Hannah-Jones on reporting about racial inequality: "What drives me is rage"

Nikole Hannah-Jones on reporting about racial inequality: “What drives me is rage”

At the Power of Storytelling conference, the writer talks about Charlottesville and entrenched racism that reaches back 400 years in America
5(ish) Questions: "Bodega Stories" creator talks about her love for the corner store

5(ish) Questions: “Bodega Stories” creator talks about her love for the corner store

As a Silicon Valley startup outrages Latinos and others with its automated "bodega," journalist Amaris Castillo speaks up for the human connection
Ellen Barry and "How to Get Away with Murder in Small-Town India"

Ellen Barry and “How to Get Away with Murder in Small-Town India”

The New York Times foreign correspondent talks about her sensational last story from India, in which she uses first person to unparalleled effect
5(ish) Questions: Bonnie Ford and "The Promise Rio Couldn't Keep"

5(ish) Questions: Bonnie Ford and “The Promise Rio Couldn’t Keep”

As other outlets predicted disaster for the 2016 Olympics water events, the writer for ESPN's Outside the Lines painted a picture more reflective of the lived human experience than a…
"The charm and the pain and the humanity" -- what great storytelling is all about

“The charm and the pain and the humanity” — what great storytelling is all about

A weekly roundup of some favorite things, for your reading and listening pleasure
5 Questions: Talal Ansari and "Welcome to America: Now Spy on Your Friends"

5 Questions: Talal Ansari and “Welcome to America: Now Spy on Your Friends”

"I think it opened the eyes of people who are so far removed from this kind of world," the BuzzFeed News writer says of his piece about FBI agents pressuring…
5(ish) Questions: Phoebe Zerwick and "The Last Days of Darryl Hunt"

5(ish) Questions: Phoebe Zerwick and “The Last Days of Darryl Hunt”

The writer talks about how her reporting on a wrongfully convicted man changed his life -- and how she had to write the ending, however unhappy
Annotation Tuesday! Kent Russell and “They Burn Witches Here”

Annotation Tuesday! Kent Russell and “They Burn Witches Here”

The writer talks about his Huffington Post Highline piece on ritualistic killings in Papua New Guinea -- and the differences between scapegoating in philosophy and in blood-curdling real life