Search results for “katherine boo” Showing 46 results A reporter explores the laws and emotion involved in helping her father die Bloomberg investigative reporter Esmé Deprez researched a range of death-with-dignity issues after becoming her father's end-of-life partner June 8, 2022 How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the “troubled teen industry” Aviv scoured court records, social media and personal journals to reveal the abuses of a system of unregulated Christian boarding schools January 6, 2022 Reporting through privacy and pain to expose the scandal of Black amputations National Magazine Award winner Lizzie Presser documents the discrimination that leaves Black diabetes patients without easy and affordable care September 15, 2021 Wisdom from Melissa Fay Greene about deep reporting on sensitive subjects Her Atlantic story following the fate of adopted Romanian orphans delves into science, psychology and the tricky shoals of parenthood September 23, 2020 Extraordinary access: A reporter follows a police officer on a mental health call Hannah Dreier of the Washington Post reveals the complexity of policing in her narrative of an officer, a troubled woman, a gun, and cell phone cameras August 11, 2020 Gratitude Notes (#10) Editor’s note: This month, we bring you brief reminders from pros around the world about what or who helped them forward in their careers.Until I read “The Good Girls Revolt,”… December 11, 2019 Shining light on a “shadow” special-ed program in the Georgia public schools Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker uses the narrative of one child in one school to reveal the widespread costs of "separate and unequal" January 22, 2019 Start 2018 out right with some literary journalism conferences and workshops The Power of Narrative: Telling True Stories in Turbulent TimesMarch 23-25Boston UniversityBoston, MassachusettsIt looks like the longest-running narrative journalism conference is making a point of spotlighting great female journalists and… January 4, 2018 Some legends of longform on the stories we need next Susan Orlean, Pamela Colloff and other journalism heroes talk about why they think narrative is worthwhile, and what inspires them in grim times January 2, 2018 Jack Hitt on the birth of live-action TV news in “What Goes Up” For Epic magazine, Hitt writes about a daredevil helicopter pilot for a Phoenix station who "kept breaking the fourth wall of journalism by beating the cops" December 12, 2017 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next