Search results for “katherine boo” Showing 45 results “Power of Narrative” Conference: Three ways to tell a story Editor’s note: In his second and final installment from last weekend’s “Power of Narrative” conference at Boston University, current Nieman Fellow Gabe Bullard explores strategies for storytelling as outlined by author… March 31, 2015 Required Reading, Session One The stories narrative instructors want their students to study September 8, 2014 An intimate new narrative conference, Cali style For the better part of the last decade, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism ran the most popular narrative journalism conference in the country. For three days each spring, hundreds of journalists gathered… June 29, 2014 The sense of an ending Whether you spell them “ledes” or “leads,” opening lines get a lot of attention. And why wouldn’t they? Sitting at the keyboard, with all the tedious and sometimes annoying reporting… June 23, 2014 “Narrative Sweat & Flow,” Part 3: Amy Harmon and Anne Hull Editor’s note: The Oregonian’s Simina Mistreanu spoke to seven narrative journalists for her University of Missouri master’s project on longform. On Tuesday, we ran her setup, a piece on the challenges and importance… December 6, 2013 Featured Fellow: Anne Hull Anne HullClass of 1995A longtime Washington Post reporter, Hull won the Pulitzer for Public Service in 2008, for reporting, with Dana Priest, that exposed substandard conditions at Walter Reed Army… September 26, 2013 "The Power of Storytelling," Part 4: Chris Jones on why stories matter, Pat Walters on endings, Walt Harrington on integrity In Part 3 of our recap of Romania’s “Power of Storytelling” conference on narrative journalism, radio producer Starlee Kine talked about story forms and themes; Esquire‘s Mike Sager talked about listening, and about suspending disbelief; and Pulitzer winner Alex… November 2, 2012 David Finkel on winning the MacArthur "genius" grant David FinkelDavid Finkel of The Washington Post won a MacArthur “genius” grant this week for his body of long-form narrative journalism, particularly his coverage of the war in Iraq. In… October 5, 2012 Cynthia Gorney on embracing complexity “while maintaining a sense of justified outrage” Our latest Editors’ Roundtable looks at Cynthia Gorney's story “Too Young To Wed,” from the June issue of National Geographic. In addition to her work for National Geographic, Gorney is a… August 19, 2011 Forest Haven Is Gone, But the Agony Remains This piece uses narrative to turn what could have been a distanced roster of wrongs into a more compelling, close story about individuals’ suffering. Vivid narrative makes good investigative work… November 18, 2004 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next