Search results for “pinned”

Showing 56 results
Annotation Tuesday! Ben Ehrenreich on the grim reaper, L.A. style

Annotation Tuesday! Ben Ehrenreich on the grim reaper, L.A. style

The subject of death has proven inexhaustible, from the Greeks to Hamlet to E.B. White's pig. In "The End," Ben Ehrenreich examines The Inevitable from an unexpected postmortem angle, and with a…
Work we love: a multimedia look at secret slavery, a portrait of fantasy baseball’s founder and dueling Robert Caro profiles

Work we love: a multimedia look at secret slavery, a portrait of fantasy baseball’s founder and dueling Robert Caro profiles

Our bookmarks have been busy lately what with all the good stuff to read and watch and hear. Some of our recent favorites hail from, Grantland, the New York…
The best magazine features of 2011: an ASME sampler

The best magazine features of 2011: an ASME sampler

National Magazine Award judges have a tough job this year as they choose a winner in the features category. There’s the sobering story about a corporate attorney’s mysterious death in…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 25: Nick Paumgarten’s tower of terror

“Why’s this so good?” No. 25: Nick Paumgarten’s tower of terror

A few days ago I stepped onto an elevator, heading out for an afternoon coffee. The repairman was there, his tools spread out on the floor. Come on in, he…

Aminatta Forna interview on "The Last Vet"

We recently talked with Aminatta Forna about her Granta essay “The Last Vet,” which follows the work of Dr. Gudush Jalloh in his clinic at Freetown, Sierra Leone. Forna, who…

A Writer’s Essay: Seeking the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

This essay is based on presentations given in advanced feature writing seminars the author taught at The Washington Post. On Thinking About Intimate Journalism It’s the kiss of death for anyone aspiring…