Search results for “roy peter clark”

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The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

Journalists are told to write short for the Web. The online audience wants information, not a lovely phrase or a rousing metaphor. “On the Web, people want to move quickly,” says Hoa Loranger,…

Three Little Words

In 1989 Jane Morse’s husband, Mick, tells her he has AIDS and, as Clark writes, Jane suddenly suspects that her long marriage has been a lie. A reader may at…

Narrative Journalism Comes of Age

Editor’s Note: This essay originally appeared in the Fall 2000 issue of Nieman Reports, the Nieman Foundation’s quarterly magazine. Narrative writing is returning to newspapers. No one has added up…
When a reporter is slain, another picks up the story

When a reporter is slain, another picks up the story

The Washington Post sent Lizzie Johnson to Las Vegas to continue an investigation started by Review-Journal reporter Jeff German
A guide to clear writing in tangled times

A guide to clear writing in tangled times

By Katharine GammonRoy Peter Clark says he never meant to write another book about writing.Clark, a senior scholar at The Poynter Institute, had already written or edited 20 books about…
How the magic of mushrooms inspired magical science writing about ecology

How the magic of mushrooms inspired magical science writing about ecology

Ferris Jabr follows a forest ecologist into the woods to listen to the conversations that happen above and below ground
Stories are read twice in readers' minds: Once for information, then for meaning

Stories are read twice in readers’ minds: Once for information, then for meaning

EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is published in partnership with the Poynter Institute.I have come to believe that all readers read all stories twice — all the time.The first reading comes…
The shift of "branches" in a sentence creates shifts in mood and meaning

The shift of “branches” in a sentence creates shifts in mood and meaning

A recent One Great Sentence post, about a line from Dan Zak’s essay for the Washington Post about the political culture of Iowa, inspired me to add a few thoughts.…
A tribute to the "beauty and power" of work by novelist Toni Morrison

A tribute to the “beauty and power” of work by novelist Toni Morrison

EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece was shared, with thanks and permission, by our friends at The Poynter Institute.AUTHOR’S NOTE: American author and Nobel laureate Toni Morrison died August 5, 2019, at…
An "Advent Manifesto" written in 100 short bursts becomes a study in deep writing

An “Advent Manifesto” written in 100 short bursts becomes a study in deep writing

EDITOR’S NOTE: The below note came to us from Cathy Grimes, a Nieman Fellow alum and faithful Storyboard reader. She said it was prompted by recent posts in which other…