Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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"Why's This So Good?" No. 102: Michael Brick and "A Hipster Quits Williamsburg"

“Why’s This So Good?” No. 102: Michael Brick and “A Hipster Quits Williamsburg”

This is the first of ten stories Storyboard will post from a new collection honoring Michael Brick [see our 5 Questions on the project], each featuring an introduction by a writer…

Why’s This So Bad? Confirmation Bias and Failed Narratives

There’s a scene in Evelyn Waugh’s scathing journalism send-up “Scoop” where Wenlock Jakes, the world-beating American reporter (based on John Gunther of the old Chicago Daily News), is sent to the…
Dale Russakoff: “How do you write a book without a hero?”

Dale Russakoff: “How do you write a book without a hero?”

Dale Russakoff spent 28 years as a reporter for The Washington Post before writing her first book, “The Prize: Who’s in Charge of America’s Schools?” Russakoff, who took a buyout…
From Esquire Classic: Bill Zehme and Johnny Carson's last interview ever

From Esquire Classic: Bill Zehme and Johnny Carson’s last interview ever

Esquire marked Trevor Noah’s transition to hosting “The Daily Show” by putting him on the cover of its March 2016 issue (see “Trevor Noah…Is Not Like You”). Noah has to step…
From Esquire Classic: Gay Talese on Profiling Boxer Floyd Patterson

From Esquire Classic: Gay Talese on Profiling Boxer Floyd Patterson

To help celebrate Floyd Patterson’s birthday, let’s turn for a moment to Esquire Hall of Famer Gay Talese, who called Patterson a “writer’s dream.”Esquire Classic: You wrote more than thirty stories…

Jake Silverstein: “Immersing you in worlds not your own”

New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein on telling stories with virtual reality

Narrative Conferences and Workshops: Where to Hone Your Skills in 2016

Happy Narrative New Year! If you resolved to get better at narrative in 2016, or even just to figure out what it is, here’s a list of conferences and workshops…
In Search of the ‘Southern Voice’

In Search of the ‘Southern Voice’

When I was a child, my father would sometimes mention The Great Southern Novel he’d always wanted to write.I remember the protagonist as a poor, small-town man who’d somehow made…

“Why’s This So Good?” No. 97: Harry Crews and ‘Going Down in Valdez’

The scene could fit nicely into a Harry Crews novel: A legless man with a “beatific look of ecstasy on his thin, pale face” sits on a dolly outside the…
9 Rules for Creative Work from Chris Jones, Esquire Writer and National Magazine Award-winner

9 Rules for Creative Work from Chris Jones, Esquire Writer and National Magazine Award-winner

The Power of Storytelling international conference in Bucharest just concluded its fifth edition in October, and thanks to conference founder Cristian Lupsa, editor of the nonfiction journal Decât o Revistă and a 2014 Nieman fellow, and his…