Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Jeanne Marie Laskas and Thomas Lake on sportswriting, voice, source love and more (Mayborn 2012, vol. 1)

Jeanne Marie Laskas and Thomas Lake on sportswriting, voice, source love and more (Mayborn 2012, vol. 1)

If you were following the activities out of Grapevine, Texas, last weekend you might’ve seen tweets like this one:And this one:And these:Peter Simek of D magazine recapped this year’s Mayborn Literary Nonfiction…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 50: Jennifer Gonnerman and real lives

I often tell students, both undergraduate and graduate, that beautiful stories are everywhere. You can head off to Iraq and Afghanistan and pen a riveting war epic, but you can…
Michael Mooney on trauma detail, his reading partner, the internal critic and his "I ♥ (Vince Young)" notebook

Michael Mooney on trauma detail, his reading partner, the internal critic and his "I ♥ (Vince Young)" notebook

We’ll be talking to Michael Mooney again soon about a small body of his recent long-form journalism, but today we give our attention to “When Lois Pearson Started Fighting Back,”…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 48: Burkhard Bilger noodles a catfish

The story I want to tell you about, “In the Monster's Maw,” was published in 1997, and that's important. Because in 1997, when Burkhard Bilger went out to Oklahoma for…
Jaimee Rose on a personal mystery, guiding forces, the importance of fripperies and the meaning of life

Jaimee Rose on a personal mystery, guiding forces, the importance of fripperies and the meaning of life

In “Question of a Lifetime,” our latest Notable Narrative, Arizona Republic features writer Jaimee Rose tells a moving story about her grandfather’s search for answers regarding a top-secret mission he…
Justin Heckert, CRMA Writer of the Year: inside his winning stories

Justin Heckert, CRMA Writer of the Year: inside his winning stories

Every spring, the City and Regional Magazine Association names a Writer of the Year, and twice the organization has handed Justin Heckert that honor. Heckert won recently for Atlanta magazine…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 45: Adam Sternbergh on … walking

Let’s start with the headline. Sometimes, when I am trying to headline a piece and my heds are getting more and more punny and convoluted, I gather myself and remember…

"Why's this so good?" No. 42: Tom Hallman and timeless forgiveness

Years ago, the wonderful Walt Harrington came to our newsroom and fired us up. We were at the start of a storytelling revival, trying to find our way back to craft, and…
Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

We chose Wright Thompson’s piece “The Kid Who Wasn't There” as our latest Notable Narrative because the story added a chilling layer to the odd life story of Guerdwich…

"Why’s this so good?" No. 40: Roy Blount Jr. lets Jerry Clower talk

Over the years Roy Blount Jr. has written a number of superb magazine articles, one of my favorites being “Knock ’im Out, Jay-ree!” a profile of the great Southern raconteur…