Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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The art of the narrative interview: Pre-interviewing for a successful pitch

The art of the narrative interview: Pre-interviewing for a successful pitch

A narrative journalist and nonfiction author shares how she pre-reports to find a viable story and a compelling central character
Effective editing: Navigating failures of the military's mental health system

Effective editing: Navigating failures of the military’s mental health system

A project annotation by Alexandra Zayas of ProPublica offers insights to how an editor sees story potential and guides reporters
An imprint of journalistic values

An imprint of journalistic values

The editor reflects on the lifelong lessons learned at a special time in a special newsroom
A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

As the Guardian Long Read marks its 10th anniversary, editor David Wolf defines the qualities and purpose of literary journalism
What happens to crime scene investigators who have to see the unseeable?

What happens to crime scene investigators who have to see the unseeable?

Nonfiction author Jay Kirk used time, openness and empathy for a New York Times Magazine profile of the Sandy Hook school shooting investigators
Finding pockets of joy in the job

Finding pockets of joy in the job

The editor ponders how to support a frustrated young colleague who is discouraged by talk of industry decline
How a profile of a Kabul hotel became a profile of today's Afghanistan

How a profile of a Kabul hotel became a profile of today’s Afghanistan

Andreas Babst of Switzerland went behind-the-scenes of the fabled Intercontinental Hotel with two employees — one Talib, one not
Effective editing: Mutual trust and knowing the heart of a story

Effective editing: Mutual trust and knowing the heart of a story

For the Washington Post's Lynda Robinson, "The goal is to say ‘yes’ as much as possible and ‘no’ as little as possible."
How a reporter prepped to understand A.I. and the man who helped invent it

How a reporter prepped to understand A.I. and the man who helped invent it

New Yorker Ideas Editor Joshua Rothman brushed up on algebra and spent four days on a private island to profile the "godfather" of A.I.
Effective editing: Word skills, listening skills and people skills

Effective editing: Word skills, listening skills and people skills

Story editor Mike Wilson of St. Petersburg, Dallas and New York Times: "You learn a lot of empathy from being an editor."