Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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J-school everywhere, everyday

J-school everywhere, everyday

The start of a new school year is upon us. That may have some feeling excited — days spent with old and new friends, new adventures in learning and all…
Not just SayWhat, but SezWho?

Not just SayWhat, but SezWho?

For a time in the early 1990s, I wrote narrative journalism for a business magazine. One of my better efforts recounted the fight for control of an investment bank. Someone…
How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to 'humanize the horrendous'

How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to ‘humanize the horrendous’

After the Florida condo collapse, Matt Sullivan vowed not to forget a teen survivor. The year-later profile has credibility, empathy and a haunting ending
Shaping a historic narrative: The Jan. 6 hearings as story craft

Shaping a historic narrative: The Jan. 6 hearings as story craft

The public hearings of the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol draw on core narrative elements
A reporter explores the laws and emotion involved in helping her father die

A reporter explores the laws and emotion involved in helping her father die

Bloomberg investigative reporter Esmé Deprez researched a range of death-with-dignity issues after becoming her father's end-of-life partner
Lauren Hough goes on a hunt for Bonnie and Clyde and her Grandpa Chuck

Lauren Hough goes on a hunt for Bonnie and Clyde and her Grandpa Chuck

A celebrated memoirist returns to her native Texas on a quest to determine if her family stories were true
Stories behind bars: The power and pitfalls of "emotional truths"

Stories behind bars: The power and pitfalls of “emotional truths”

When I began reading Evan Allen’s powerful, critically acclaimed Boston Globe story about Anthony Pledger, all I could think about was Jimmie. Jimmie is a violent offender — a sanitized…
Writing about the unthinkable pain of child suicides

Writing about the unthinkable pain of child suicides

Author, essayist and lecturer Andrew Solomon weaves statistics and personal pain to explores the toll that depression takes on young children
2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. Read Ellen Barry on first-person narratives, Lizzie Johnson on deadline narratives and Debbie Cenziper…
2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

Editor’s note: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. For other takeaways, see Ellen Barry on first-person narratives and Lizzie Johnson…