Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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Barbara Mahany and the spiritual landscape

Barbara Mahany and the spiritual landscape

Editor’s Note: Welcome to the newest installment of “Writing the Book,” an occasional Storyboard feature in which journalists turned authors discuss the challenges of creating their work. In this essay,…

“The problem of being labelled a confessionalist”

If you’ve read Meghan Daum’s terrific essay in the Sept. 29 New Yorker on her decision to remain childless (one of Storyboard’s most recent weekend picks), you’ll want to take a…
Finding the Tribe

Finding the Tribe

When Hillary Frank first started producing “The Longest Shortest Time” podcast in 2010, she was going through a rough time herself. A radio producer for more than a decade, she…
Required Reading, Session Two

Required Reading, Session Two

Welcome to the second session of our discussion with narrative instructors about the stories they’re assigning students this fall. If you missed Monday’s recommendations from Alex Kotlowitz, Doug Foster and…

Required Reading, Session One

The stories narrative instructors want their students to study

Annotation: John Jeremiah Sullivan and “Upon This Rock”

[Editor’s note: John Jeremiah Sullivan‘s “Upon This Rock” is by now a modern classic of literary journalism: writer rents an RV, experiences a Christian rock festival (and certain revelations) with a…
Annotation Tuesday! Rebecca Skloot and the wild dogs of New York

Annotation Tuesday! Rebecca Skloot and the wild dogs of New York

Before Rebecca Skloot published the bestselling The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, she wrote magazines stories about science and about animals. You may remember her New York Times magazine piece…
Launched: Storyline, the Washington Post's new narrative project intersecting policy and storytelling

Launched: Storyline, the Washington Post’s new narrative project intersecting policy and storytelling

The Washington Post’s new narrative project, Storyline, launched today under the editorship of economics policy correspondent Jim Tankersley, with the tagline “People, policy, data.” As Tankersley explains in his introduction,…

Susan Orlean and the American man, age 10

Susan Orlean likes to do something not many other journalists can get away with. In many of her articles Orlean tells us, right there on the page, what she’s thinking…
Reporting and writing historical narrative: Author Adam Hochschild on accessible prose + scene/setting + character + plot

Reporting and writing historical narrative: Author Adam Hochschild on accessible prose + scene/setting + character + plot

Several years ago, Adam Hochschild, the acclaimed author of King Leopold’s Ghost and other nonfiction narratives, told a Vanderbilt University audience that academic writing doesn’t have to be boring. Scholars of history and science — theoretically…