Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

Pitching a story you want to pursue is not the time to hide your light under that proverbial bushel — or to sell what you can't deliver
Nut grafs (or graphs): How five sentences can help a writer focus

Nut grafs (or graphs): How five sentences can help a writer focus

A freelancer who teaches college journalism leaned on friends, social media, and a simple template to help students find the center of a story
Tracking shards of grief for 20 years, and daring to love your story subjects

Tracking shards of grief for 20 years, and daring to love your story subjects

Jennifer Senior of The Atlantic goes on a quest to find what a friend lost to 9/11 left behind, and delivers a meditation on love and grief
From Sept. 11 to COVID: Using the personal to write the global

From Sept. 11 to COVID: Using the personal to write the global

How do you write about a shared event that changes the world, but that we each experience personally? And how do you then share that personal experience back to the…
"The Simulation of Jessica:" Jason Fagone follows the creation, life and death of a chatbot romance

“The Simulation of Jessica:” Jason Fagone follows the creation, life and death of a chatbot romance

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of three annotated chapters that follow a grieving man’s journey into artificial intelligence to reconnect with his dead lover, and find some peace. You…
A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

Every year, or as often as I can, I go into the northern Minnesota woods, usually alone now, seeking tranquility and time to brood and reflect.And I write while I’m…
Tools from fiction build a sophisticated National Magazine Award feature finalist

Tools from fiction build a sophisticated National Magazine Award feature finalist

 Tamara Dean thinks a lot about the elements of story, whether she is writing for magazines such as The Progressive; essays for Orion or Creative Nonfiction; or a fictional short…
How a writer's kaleidoscopic mind learned to still the distractions with haiku

How a writer’s kaleidoscopic mind learned to still the distractions with haiku

I learned much of what I value about writing from a man who lost his voice. A slender, black-eyed Panamanian, José Quintero was a legend in the American theater and…
Foreign reporting: Peter Hessler on seeing China through a personal lens

Foreign reporting: Peter Hessler on seeing China through a personal lens

Peter Hessler’s books about China have resonated with both Western and Chinese audiences, an accomplishment that seems unlikely today, when the “China story” has become a political and diplomatic battleground.Hessler…
What journalists need to know when interviewing a transgender person

What journalists need to know when interviewing a transgender person

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week, in honor of Pride Month, we feature three posts about transgender issues. Read how Lane DeGregory of the Tampa Bay Times handled a profile in 2002,…