Search results for “the pitch”

Showing 343 results
Kathryn Miles on tall ships, the 'boxcar' structure, finding the story, reading 'promiscuously' and putting an English Lit degree to work

Kathryn Miles on tall ships, the ‘boxcar’ structure, finding the story, reading ‘promiscuously’ and putting an English Lit degree to work

Our latest Notable Narrative is "Sunk," a detailed narrative of the deadly capsizing of the tall ship HMS Bounty during Hurricane Sandy. Kathryn Miles’ story, in Outside magazine, gave a gripping account of…
"The Power of Storytelling," Part 3: Starlee Kine on story forms, Mike Sager on suspending disbelief and Alex Tizon on writing your own story

"The Power of Storytelling," Part 3: Starlee Kine on story forms, Mike Sager on suspending disbelief and Alex Tizon on writing your own story

In Part 2 of our recap of Romania's "Power of Storytelling" conference on narrative journalism, Pulitzer winner Jacqui Banaszynski wrote a short essay about why she and eight other North American…
Audio danger: Going live

Audio danger: Going live

One morning this summer, I got on the elevator with a colleague at WNYC, where I’m working as an interim producer for national programs. My elevator pal had just gotten…
Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Whenever I go out on an assignment I get a few of the same questions from onlookers who see me with my tripod and my reasonably large video camera: “What…
Multimedia storytelling at The Atavist: One year in, how's it going, Evan Ratliff?

Multimedia storytelling at The Atavist: One year in, how’s it going, Evan Ratliff?

It’s been a little over a year since The Atavist debuted as a groundbreaking digital platform for long-form multimedia storytelling. Narrative journalists had been bemoaning the shrinking storytelling acreage, so this…
Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

I had a chance to sit down last week with Anna Badkhen in Washington, D.C., to talk about her two books out this year, “Peace Meals” and “Waiting for the Taliban”…
Effective editing: “I’m in service of you, the writer”

Effective editing: “I’m in service of you, the writer”

Author Glenn Stout has built a following as a freelance editor, giving writers confidence, solutions and sometimes channeling their voice
Effective editing: Get on the phone to talk through ideas and problems

Effective editing: Get on the phone to talk through ideas and problems

After a decade of editing, The Atlantic's Family Editor Julie Beck is going to apply her experience to full-time writing of her own stories
Effective editing: Trust and Ted Lasso-style cheerleading

Effective editing: Trust and Ted Lasso-style cheerleading

For the ProPublica deputy managing editor Alexandra Zayas, emotional intelligence is as important as journalistic craft skills
A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

As the Guardian Long Read marks its 10th anniversary, editor David Wolf defines the qualities and purpose of literary journalism