Search results for “top storyboard posts”

Showing 210 results
What's the buzz? Monkeying with story in the hive mind

What’s the buzz? Monkeying with story in the hive mind

We have to start with the monkeys. The infinite number of monkeys that, given their own personal typewriters and an infinite amount of time, would produce the works of William…

Tommy Tomlinson on Ze Frank, newspapers and what comes next

Tommy Tomlinson has been a local columnist for The Charlotte Observer for the past 13 years but recently announced that he's switching jobs to embark on a storytelling experiment for…

The very, very personal post: Richard Morgan, Jennifer Lawler and a new kind of Notable Narrative

Sometimes long posts appear online that would feel out of place anywhere else. These pieces are often first-person, revelatory and not edited to fit the brand of a magazine, newspaper…

Vanity Fair’s Bryan Burrough on writing narrative: “people are dying to put down your article”

In what might be the only performance of Texas stand-up comedy about narrative writing, Vanity Fair writer Bryan Burrough recently offered practical tips for long-form storytelling to a Mayborn Conference…
Mark Bowden on discovering narrative and the value of beginner's mind: "only if you are truly ignorant can you ask the truly ignorant question"

Mark Bowden on discovering narrative and the value of beginner’s mind: "only if you are truly ignorant can you ask the truly ignorant question"

Next up in our series of highlights from last weekend's Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference is Mark Bowden. Author of "Black Hawk Down" and a former reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer,…

What we’re watching: in which we consider a New York City shelter, the sound of snow and Rebecca Skloot’s narrative play-by-play

from The Lazarus EffectPictures pack a punch. And so continuing in the tradition of our “What we’re reading” posts, one of the things we’ll be doing here at Nieman Storyboard…
Chris Jones, Roger Ebert and the possibilities of online narrative (or “does this story ever end?”)

Chris Jones, Roger Ebert and the possibilities of online narrative (or “does this story ever end?”)

When it comes to writing profiles, Esquire’s Chris Jones is used to getting the last word. But a few weeks ago, when Jones worked his storytelling mojo on Roger Ebert,…
Peggy Nelson on new media narratives: "Every Twitter account is a character"

Peggy Nelson on new media narratives: "Every Twitter account is a character"

We talked this week with Peggy Nelson, a new media artist who has spent the last several years doing digital and virtual storytelling. While Nelson’s work is rooted in conceptual…

Tanja Aitamurto on crowdfunding and the future of narrative journalism

Yesterday's Storyboard post was on "Finding Dolly Freed," an innovative approach to narrative journalism. For that story, we shared comments on the project from Tanja Aitamurto, a researcher at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, who did a…
Hello, Dolly! Radiohead journalism and the future of narrative

Hello, Dolly! Radiohead journalism and the future of narrative

When a journalist in love with a story gets turned down by magazine after magazine then sells a piece only to see it killed, what’s the next step? If you’re…