Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
Two sentences from books honored by 2019 Pulitzer Prizes and the lessons in journalism they inspired

Two sentences from books honored by 2019 Pulitzer Prizes and the lessons in journalism they inspired

Awards from elite, independent institutions always offer a reminder of the powerful work being done by storytellers of all stripes. None moreso in journalism than the Pulitzer Prizes.This year’s Pulitzer…
Insight from the other side of the notebook

Insight from the other side of the notebook

In the wake of unspeakable grief, parents from the 2012 Sandy Hook school shootings kept lists of journalists they would, and wouldn't, talk to
Finding the brightest stars in a constellation of writing tips

Finding the brightest stars in a constellation of writing tips

Conference panels can be frustrating things. Several subject experts droning on, absorbed with the minutiae of their own work, sometimes failing to make bigger points, often repeating what other panelists…
An "Advent Manifesto" written in 100 short bursts becomes a study in deep writing

An “Advent Manifesto” written in 100 short bursts becomes a study in deep writing

EDITOR’S NOTE: The below note came to us from Cathy Grimes, a Nieman Fellow alum and faithful Storyboard reader. She said it was prompted by recent posts in which other…
Roy Peter Clark: A red-nosed reindeer lights the way to better writing

Roy Peter Clark: A red-nosed reindeer lights the way to better writing

Roy Peter ClarkEDITOR’S NOTE: In the spirit of the giving season, the Poynter Institute gave us permission to use this piece (first published by Poynter Dec. 10) in which Roy Peter Clark teaches…
Large writing lessons from a small space

Large writing lessons from a small space

A morning’s hasty scroll through Facebook earlier this week showed the above photo from Traci Angel, an author, teacher and freelancer based in Kansas City and a recent Storyboard contributor.…
Mic drop? A veteran longform writer trades notebook for headphones, text for sound

Mic drop? A veteran longform writer trades notebook for headphones, text for sound

Cynthia Gorney fumbled with gear and interviews to report her first podcast
Letter from Sing Sing: Writing from inside

Letter from Sing Sing: Writing from inside

A convicted murderer shares what he learned about writing, and what writing taught him about himself and about the power of true stories
Altered states of storytelling at the L.A. Times Festival of Books

Altered states of storytelling at the L.A. Times Festival of Books

Possbilities are vast, but in the current media climate, it is hard to feel complacent about the technological manipulation of reality when its potential disruption is so easy to imagine
Writing through a whiteout: David Grann and "The White Darkness"

Writing through a whiteout: David Grann and “The White Darkness”

In his New Yorker piece on an explorer following Shackleton's footsteps in Antarctica, the reporter struggled through his own writing blizzard